Vice vs P.I.

Okay, right off the bat, this is not at all what you were expecting it to be about. Right before Archer Vice premiered, they ran an ad with a bunch of seemingly random clips, which I (as someone who never watched Miami Vice) thought looked like it could have been based on the Miami Vice opening credits. Later in the season I realized I was seeing some of the clips from that ad, but by that time I no longer had access to the original ad to compare it to the Miami Vice credits, or any of the older episodes to hunt for specific clips. Fast forward two years, and they run an ad that I am absolutely certain is a shot-for-shot recreation of the Magnum P.I. opening credits, so I wait for the entire season to collect on my DVR, take notes on all of the shots...and see absolutely none of them after watching the entire season. In fact, Archer's Ferrari doesn't even run until the season finale, and while all of the ad clips are in broad daylight, most of the season takes place at night (or at least all of the outdoor scenes do).

So, does anyone else remember the Archer Vice ad I'm referring to? Was it based on the Miami Vice opening credits? And is anyone else pissed that they didn't use a single Magnum P.I. clip in this entire season?

You know what noone tells you about cooking with the Dark Side? The food is really good!


That was just a homage they decided to pay for a TV series that might have in some ways inspired a bit of the show, doesn't really has any relation to the season 7 storyline, I guess. They have done it before with Top Gun for season 5 if I'm not mistaken.

This dream is short, but this dream is happy.
