
Honestly, I hate the fact this movie is even being made, considering circuses are horrible cruel forms of entertainment (especially the Ringling Bros) and they'll surely be showcasing them in a positive light for the film. A part of me wishes they'd go the Noah route and use mostly CGI animals, but obvious wishful thinking. Rather not have the movie made unless it really fleshes out the cruelty under those tents, doubtful though.

Im saddened Hugh Jackman would want to be a part of this. Its selling this outdated, horrible form of entertainment as something that should be celebrated. Pity.


I'm sure you'll survive either way.


Whatever dude...complain to PETA about it and let the rest of us enjoy the film when it comes out while you are sitting at home eating Cheetos


Yeah, I'm not crazy about the idea of this film being made either. It is cruel, and this film could encourage people to support the circus and it's cruelty towards those poor animals. Unfortunately, a lot of people are ignorant to it. As long as they are having fun they don't give a damn that an animal is suffering for it.


Do you really think real animals would be used for this movie? I highly doubt it. It's telling the story of a man's life. You don't even know how the script is going to be or what it is going to promote. Your comments to me are ridiculous.


You don't even know how they are going to structure the movie or whether it will put things in a positive or negative light. Hugh seems to view Barnum as a con man, which is certainly not in a positive light. You are drawing many assumptions about a movie that has not even been made.


I completely agree with m-dimitroulakos. The treatment of animals by Ringling Brothers is cruel and inhumane to say the least.


The Big Show is only a small part of Barnum's life and career.
