Not So Bad...

The Topic- Horrifying
The Characters - Scary
The Show overall - not so bad

I feel that the editors don't let these crazy moms get away with much. They seem to pick the most shallow, bitchy, or superficial comments they can from everyone they have the camera on. It almost seems like the network MAKES them put a positive spin on it. I haven't seen much and didn't watch it on purpose but the episode I saw tried to prove the point that they are raping these kids of their childhood.(which they are) The commercials paint a COMPLETELY different picture however.



I agree I think that those girls are way TOO YOUNG to be wearing all that heavy hooker looking makeup and the fake tans. Most if those girls are natural beauties and when that make them up they look like drag queens. Don't forget when they do their little "sexy" dances, and the moms think they are being so cute!


"It almost seems like the network MAKES them put a positive spin on it."

that's the point of reality shows, the networks can put a spin on anything they want. who wants the truth?
