Girl With the Snake

I remember the episode that had a little girl who did a zookeeper routine and used a live ball python! I thought that was kind of cool and hoped she would win even though she didn't have the expensive things the other girls had and that all her outfits were handmade which was cute. However she lost and I thought the male judge was really harsh saying the snake was just a gimmick when it was clearly meant to go with her routine!? I mean what is a zookeeper without her animal?


zookeepers have more than just snakes to care for. she needed to have another animal that people aren't so averse to, she could have brought more attention to herself with an average animal.

not everyone likes snakes, i'm sure that turned the judges off.



I agree 100%. I hate snakes and there's no way I would have given her anything higher than a 0 for that routine.


In my opinion Shelby is the most beautiful girl in the series. I really hope she continues to compete and that her mom doesn't let the judges' bigotted attitude get the better of her. I hope the previous poster was right saying Shelby won a later competition because she sederved to for sure.


I remember her. Pretty but a brat.
