
So I haven't seen this yet but judging by the trailer it seems that they forgot that Banner is supposed to be Hulked out when he's angry. I mean am I wrong? In the trailer they show Hulk carrying conversations calmly with a few aliens and he doesn't seem all that angry. Also I thought that when he's Hulked out he filled with more raw emotional rage and that the intellectual part of his brain is dulled down? Again I could be wrong because I never read a lot of the Hulk comics so I'm just curious.


This is a smart Hulk, with more of banner's mind - but still angry. It;s consistent with the original which goes some way to explain this.

Kill the spare


both yes and no. hulk was at first all angry and a brute. he got boring so like all super heroes decades old. there are changes. i got a hulk comic where he's a smart, sharp dressed vegas boss...what? basically we have hulk that is some odd smart but the angrier he gets the more he's "Hulk Smash!"

"Hating on haters is a form of Hatin!"
