This movie was pretty awful

I would explain why but im having trouble holding in the vomit after watching this movie.

Quick notes

White hipsters with white hipster problems.(very original)
A late 20s NY writer who doesnt own a TV. (so hip)
"I just want to see what he can draw when I dont just give him a pen and a highlighter"
"Lets clean eachother"
"You write short stories, im ready for the novel."
(just the cushy bad dialog in general)
Had an open ending (who didnt see this comming?)

anyways, does anyone agree or am I crazy?


You're not crazy. Shaky writing, uninspired editing and directing, and boring characters are not ingredients for a great flick. Thank God for Tony Hale or I would have asked for my money back. And I watched it on Netflix!


I agree. I simply didn't like it. The characters got on my nerves.


Asking drunk chicks to sleep over at your house for three days after shooting you down usually does the trick.

That crap was more unrealistic than the Lord of the Rings. I'll see a real live orc before I hear of that happening. Even a prostitute wouldn't go for it if you had a money clip to throw at her.



How did this POS ever get an award? I'm thinking they gave BJ's to every Sundance voter.

The entire cast was heard saying, "I just got back from Sundance and boy are my lips tired"


Must be because people at Sundance have more taste than those hanging out at IMDb.


The office romance was ok, but the Mara and whatever that talentless lead actor was called was quite a bad match - was that guy related to one of the producers, or what?


"The office romance was ok, but the Mara and whatever that talentless lead actor was called was quite a bad match - was that guy related to one of the producers, or what?"

that would be the director. He hired himself in his lame movie.


i think one terrible detail you didn't mention here was THE WHIMSICAL KIDNAPPING OF A CHILD.


yeah i caught this last night and it was really quite bad
