MovieChat Forums > 2012: Supernova (2009) Discussion > unanswered questions (spoilers)

unanswered questions (spoilers)

OK... why, oh why, did the Asian lady want to sabotage the project so much and destroy all life on Earth?
How did the father survive at the end, when it looked like the space station blew up at the end? I kind of figured it was a done deal for him when the computer said "16 seconds to impact" after what looked like him activating a self destruct sequence through his laptop and what looked like the space station going through the atmosphere (based on the image on the screen). I did find it odd, however, that the continents also seemed to never get bigger, which I just chalked up to yet another movie inconsistency.
When they were hopping into the truck in that pallet field, was it just me, or did the father and steering wheel start on the left, then switch to the right for about a second, and then hop back to the left?
Was it just me, or was that Russian's accent based on Pavel Chekov?
Why do directors think it's a good idea to make action sequences look really choppy? It was pathetic when the technique was premiered in Saving Private Ryan, not to mention causing a huge amount of eye strain as it makes it almost impossible to focus on anything, and it's just as pathetic here and everywhere else it's been used.

I didn't think I'd ever say this after seeing 2012: Doomsday yesterday, but this movie makes Doomsday look like it should qualify for at least 2 Academy Awards: Best (Supporting?) Actress (the atheist babe) and Best Screenplay. L8r.


According to the voiceover at the end, the Asian lady was trying to reset the the shield coordinates to protect Asia as much as possible instead of the whole world equally, giving China the highest chance of survival (at the expense of the Western Hemisphere).

As for the father surviving, he appeared to be ejecting the station's core module right before it exploded... apparently you only need a couple of seconds to get out of range of a bunch of nuclear warheads. In other words, same reason a lot of things happened: the writers knew nothing whatsoever about physics. Or film-making.

I didn't notice anything about the truck, but regarding the Russian accent I'd consider it far worse than Pavel Chekov on his worst day..

I suspect the jerky action sequences are mainly an attempt to make it hard to look closely enough to notice how cheap they are. I'm not sure why movies with real budgets like Saving Private Ryan do it, but it's a great way to disguise third rate CGI, cheap fake explosions, and so on. And yes, it's always annoying.

