MovieChat Forums > Skyrunners (2009) Discussion > No one else is interested in this?

No one else is interested in this?

The previews actually looks pretty good.

"Can you spell desperate?" Mr. Moseby
"How many chances do I get?" London



The effects look good based on the previews.

"I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes."



Really? I thought it was pretty good. Especially for a TV movie for kids.

"I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes."



to me was amazing
i been waiting for a movie that it felt like the 90s was coming back to disney and it did


ITA with this. Definitely had the 90's feel of good old Disney.


I found it enjoyable, I liked the chemistry between the Kelly Blatz and Joey Pollari as brothers...(thats also the thing I enjoyed in Aaron Stone between Kelly and David Lambert as Brothers)...

...surprised after 2 1/2 years Disney XD hasn't done any more original films, (or a sequel given the ending of the film...)


I was a big fan too and it does suck that they've done no original movies since Skyrunners. Did it do that extremely bad ?


Hi GrownUpKid,

I always wondered if maybe it was a potential pilot?

From what I've read…filming began sometime in 2008, they stopped filming and Kelly filmed Season 1 of Aaron Stone, and then filming started again (with writing and alterations taking place to accommodate Joey Pollari's growth spurt…)…Part of me wonders if it was a Pilot…Kelly also had Aaron Stone and maybe the two would have conflicted?

IDK, at the end…I'm just bummed they never did any sort of follow up given the ending.
