MovieChat Forums > Attack the Block (2011) Discussion > Is hating a movie b/c the protagonists a...

Is hating a movie b/c the protagonists are bad guys a thing now?

I find that surprising when you consider how many classic movies and tv shows are centered on characters who are unrepentant sh*tburgers. 3 of the most critically acclaimed and beloved tv shows in recent memory center on a murderous meth dealer, a serial killer, and a mob boss. Or look through IMDB T250... movies about mobsters, killers, more mobsters, more serial killers, thieves, racists -- aka beacons of morality.

If a big part of you not liking this movie is b/c the main casts are bad people, then there's a really good chance that you're just a hypocrite.


I was not watching Silence of the Lambs and rooting for Hannibal Lecter!

Coppola got away with the Corleone's because he gave them a code of honour and although they were villians they were better than the other villains.

Its that man again!!


Silence of the Lambs wasn't about Hannibal Lecter. The man is in the movie for all of thirty minutes. It was about Jodie Foster's character.

Coppola may have give the Corleone's a "code of honor", whatever the hell that is supposed to mean, but that family was still a pack of murdering, destructive criminals. Nothing the gang in Attack does can compare to the level of criminality displayed by the Corleones. But I take it this is like the typical hypocrite who looks down at the street criminal who robs an innocent bystander of his wallet on the street far more than he looks down at the white collar banker who destroys hundreds of families by essentially stealing their money. Or the hypocrite who despises some kid who steals a CD from a record store but merely shrugs when thinking about the suburban kid who goes on his computer to steal music that he/she has no right to. Frankly it comes down to seeing the humanity in some that you don't see in others.


"But I take it this is like the typical hypocrite who looks down at the street criminal who robs an innocent bystander of his wallet on the street far more than he looks down at the white collar banker who destroys hundreds of families by essentially stealing their money. Or the hypocrite who despises some kid who steals a CD from a record store but merely shrugs when thinking about the suburban kid who goes on his computer to steal music that he/she has no right to."

That doesn't have to be a hypocritical view, you know? One could simply detest the crimes of blue-collar criminals because they are more primal and violent in nature than those of the white collar criminals. The crimes of the latter may be more morally reprehensible, but they are committed in a more civilised and elegant manner. It boils down to whether you are motivated by a sense of right and wrong, or a sense of order and chaos.

In the world of fiction, I find it much easier to sympathize with civilised criminals to morally-justified ones. There's a reason my favourite character in Breaking Bad is Gustavo Fring.


I'm with you 100%!

It's ok to like more than one actor. :))


I wrote the same thing about the time the movie came out. I even went further by talking about classic films such as The Godfather and Gone With the Wind in which the lead characters are a murderous head of a mafia and a spoiled slave owner respectively but that didn't stop the audience's love of those movies. And don't get me started on American History X!

But let's not beat around the bush. If the leads were all white or mostly white it wouldn't matter if they had such anti-social behaviors. They would be excused as being troubled teens or teens who were misunderstood or cheered on as rebels. But make most of those teens black and they are reduced to being thugs. Nothing new here. It is IMDB after all.

But it doesn't matter. This movie was a smash amongst critics. Critics from all walks of life saw, critics numbering in the hundreds, saw this movie and the vast, vast majority of them loved it. I always say critics get a bum rap. They are more open-minded then the average Joe watching a film in theaters or on TV or whatever. This film has also developed a sizable cult following. As it should. It is a very good movie.


But let's not beat around the bush. If the leads were all white or mostly white it wouldn't matter if they had such anti-social behaviors. They would be excused as being troubled teens or teens who were misunderstood or cheered on as rebels. But make most of those teens black and they are reduced to being thugs. Nothing new here. It is IMDB after all.



I strongly disagree with that.

I hate white and black thugs equally. In fact black thugs are more or less non-existent here. It's the thug part I hate.

Try calling any of the liked anti-heroes mere thugs without brilliance or balls and I'll call *beep*

If you give a character no redeemable qualities at all the most likely won't be liked. You won't root for them. Even a guy like Vinnie Jones who often plays the thug does it with intimidating and commanding character. He isn't a good actor, but he has that redeemable quality in his roles.

Your assumption that everyone is racist says more about you than it does others.


there are pretty much no likeable characters. aside from maybe pest who might not be involved in criminal activity if werent for the other thugs. im expected to like and "root" for characters that mug/rob an innocent woman in the first scene of the movie? i was hoping the aliens killed more of them. unfortunately jerome was the only casualty.


Jerome wasn't the only casualty. Dennis was also killed.


I'm co-signing on what the OP said---I loved this film and thought it was the s***---end of story. I said the same thing as the OP after I saw the film, because this board used to be clogged damn near entirely with posts saying they hated these kids,and how they were the most evil bastards in the world for robbing this poor little white chick. They didn't even bother to realize that the kids are forced to change their minds about being little wanna-be gangsters over the course of the film--nope, they're little black teens,so they couldn't possibly be anything BUT thugs,period.

I honestly think that if the protagonists/main characters were white,they wouldn't get all this crazy hate--I mean,people are acting as if they never saw anyone get mugged onscreen before---it just ridiculous the amount of hate the kids in the movie get---mainly because,let's face it, it was a group of young black kids robbing a white chick. Just like if the main character in BREAKING BAD wasn't a white guy,he would have never gotten as popular as he did. There's no way in hell a brother playing the same part would have gotten all that positive hype from viewers. Here's an article about that exact thing,BTW:


aside from maybe pest who might not be involved in criminal activity if werent for the other thugs.

so the only characters you sympathized with were the white people. interesting.


I'll admit it did take me a while to warm up to liking the gang after the mugging, but they did come around. Definitely didn't hate the movie because of it. Just think that if it was me instead of sam there woulda been less kids alive to fight the aliens


Extremely fun movie


I agree

It's ok to like more than one actor. :))


It had nothing to do with the kids being thieves, it was just a bad movie and very childish and not in a fun way like the Lone Ranger.


I have never had any interest in seeing films where the protagonists is basically an evil person. I thought The Godfather was nothing more than pornography fawning over the mob and regardless of how well the film was put together, I found it a pretentious boring long film, and nothing else.

This film I did not know would have a bunch of a-holes as the "good guys" but that's not why I really didn't care for it. It just wasn't very funny, nor was it very scary, nor was it very interesting. Still, I liked it better than The Godfather.



What did you do,fall asleep during this film? The part where the kids were trying to dodge those creepy alien bastards in the apartment was scary,exciting and fun as hell! I don't even know what you're talking about--I enjoyed the hell out of this film! And if you didn't think it was that good,then why even watch the whole thing? Makes no sense at all.

And there have been MANY films--particularly over the past four decades where the protagonists are evil---they make them all the time--nothing new about it,but it's always interesting to watch.


Everyone has their right to their own opinion, but the movie is very wishy-washy on whether or not the teenagers will actually change their behavior. You can't even argue that the smaller guy in the group wasn't an unlikable *beep* He wanted to keep the ring near the end of the film, when the teens were supposedly reformed.

It's not black and white, but I didn't fine most of the characters to be likeable.

