MovieChat Forums > Hyde Park on Hudson (2013) Discussion > FDR, Worst President Of All Time

FDR, Worst President Of All Time

Want to thank someone for the out of control courts, the national debt, the unfunded liabilities... thank the 1st American dictator, 4 time president, FDR. He was the first to force his agenda on the supreme court. He started the biggest drain of all time on Capitalism because he thought the government could handle money better than the typical dumb Americans, so he started legal Socialism in America aka Social Security. He took America on the path off the gold standard through confiscation with compensation for gold. Nixon finished what he started, but FDR set the path. FDR also destroyed many Asian American lives through his own version of concentration camps. He confiscated their money, bank accounts, assets, homes, businesses and treated them like they were Jews in Nazi Germany.

The only good contribution FDR gave to America was when he got his final reward in his 4th term and went where dictators go when they become room temperature. What his death meant = America won World War 2 and FINALLY got out of the depression he inherited, and Great depression he kept on us for the entire time he was president.

FDR is very similar to what we have now. FDR got a pass because he inherited a depression. Through his propaganda machine he kept the American media reporting exactly the same thing the main stream media reports today, all propaganda, all lies, all spin to make him seem like the great savior, when his only goal was to keep power in the hands of the public class over for as long as he could, while keeping the power out of the private class. FDR succeeded his entire time as president to keep America under the wheel of his chair. Big government liberals are all the same, the government is your mama and dada, they know better than you, they can spend YOUR money better than you, they can put you in the proper mold so everything is equal except for them and their enablers. Half the country carries the water, the government enables the other half to get their fill of the water before the producers, it's only fair, after all, you didn't build that on your own, you didn't earn it yourself, right? Yep, FDR was the first, LBJ was the second and now 0bama is the third and possibly final nail in the Capitalist coffin. Some us don't learn from history, so it's bound to repeat itself.

But, it's great they can make such a happy/frisky film about Herr Franklin I. Nothing like a film like this during the times his policies are being felt the most from Herr Franklin III aka Herr 0bama I. Rock on romanticizing these people! Whoo hooo!


For all of your stated reasons, FDR was the greatest President that was, is or ever will be, which is why the Bushes and the Dulles family had him murdered and replaced him with Truman, making it look like a lung infection or whatever.


Given that you don't know what he died from makes the rest of your statement dubious.


Agreed. But what you left out was that Franklin Roosevelt was a great supporter and admirer of soviet communist tyrant Joseph Stalin. During world war 2 FDR lied through his teeth and stated that the USSR was a "western style democracy".



Established by whom?


Established by anyone with a brain and at least a working knowledge of history. FDR is the greatest president of the 20th Century.

"When the legend becomes fact, print the legend."
... "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance"


I just threw up a little...



That's not an answer.


It is because of FDR we even have a middle class; at least we did have one before Regan and the two Bush's began dismantling all FDR accomplished and now we are in permanent recession/depression because of it. FDR gave this country 30 odd good years from WWII to about 1980, then we turned into a coporatocracy with welfare for the rich (some capitalism! the taxpayers pay money to the corporations and banking/investment firms because they would go under without government welfare). Now if you are part of the 1% this is a good country, for everyone else there is only serfdom.


Actually, he was our second greatest President (after Lincoln), and this stylistically and substantively inept film has no impact on that fact.

"Believe not what you only wish to believe, but that which truth demands"


Absolutely. Any president who kils 660,000 Americans has got to be considered "the best". That is not an insignificant number!

God might, I won't.




FDR saved this damn country. When he died everywhere on the streets, in the schools, factories, and offices people were crying. Adults and children. He was a leader.

Imagine people sobbing everywhere if Bush 2 died. Heck, even if Bush 1 died. Wouldn't happen.


Worse then a president who sits back and lets a Great Depression happen, worse then a president that sits back and lets a Civil War happen, worse then Presidents who lie under oath and commit impeachable offenses? The worst American president.....Jefferson Davis.


It's than not then.

What we have here is failure to communicate!


Grammar tard.



What we got here is... failure to communicate!


Because correcting grammar on a 3 month old post makes you an adult? Get over your self.


Yourself is one word.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


You fell for my little trap. Just couldn't resist could you? How very adult.


Thank you.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


ripcordrog, that was about the worst far right nonsensical rambling I have seen on the internet since...well...ever.

Oh, yes, FDR had his flaws and you will find that many historians do not shy away from them including most progressive supporters. What remains is that his programs did pull the country from what was aptly titled The Great Republican Recession. Why else would Preston Bush would plan to remove him by force?

Again, and again this country remains under the onslaught of little brain far right neo-clowns like you who spout nothing but ideological garbage not even fit for the paper shredder in the Fox News newsroom.

As for the movie, it wasn't great. Although it delved in FDR's infidelities it was not at historically accurate.


aptly titled The Great Republican Recession.

Titled by whom? In fifty years of reading and living history, I've never seen it so termed before.
Why else would Preston Bush would plan to remove him by force?

Another fantasy, like the one by the guy claiming FDR's death was due to some conspiracy rather than well documented serious health issues.


FDR was such a bad President that he got elected 4 times.

I don't mind you being critical of FDR, or any other President, but you sound like a nut. "Herr Franklin" and "Herr Obama." Kooky!


Ah... don't you see, for some people... anyone who didn't sycophantically follow Washington in stepping down after 2 terms is automatically considered tyrant. It doesn't matter what FDR accomplished... only matter how he is compared to those the person has fetishized.
