MovieChat Forums > Aquaman (2018) Discussion > Man, talk about a movie that had so much...

Man, talk about a movie that had so much wrong with it

First off the anti-aging CGI was HORRIBLE....Marvel does it so convincingly you can hardly tell but DC can't do it better than Marvel did in Ant-Man 3 years earlier? Several times I could tell Aquaman's dad was off because his eye positions were crooked on his head!

The submarine attack scene was a joke, I kept waiting for the sub to implode from the hull breach and it never happened.

The rooftop chase scene was so cliche' it wasn't funny, were the guys chasing the heroes extras from the A-Team? Worst aim EVER.

Guy has a statue dropped on him, Aquaman lifts it up and the guy runs away like he never got a single scratch on him and is ready to run a marathon.

The explosions EVERY SINGLE TIME something dramatic was about to happen...when Aquaman was reaching for the trident I leaned over and said to my wife "here comes the explosion"...I was disappointed when it didn't happen.

The cheesy over the top constant superhero landings with the long pauses.

Was expecting to hear Hammond saying " Jurassic Park" when they showed the first shot of the center of the earth world.

So many locations it made your head spin and almost all of them were "Somewhere in the (insert location here)"

Miles Dyson survived Terminator 2, comes back with his son and blows himself up again.

The music video interludes (we got enough of that with GOTG2, at least they played classic songs for it)

Overall the movie was ok...6/10....there's just something missing from these movies that is in the Marvel movies..DC did it mostly right with Wonder Woman and Man of Steel.


You failed to mention some of the most ridiculous parts... 1) Aquaman has blonde hair. 2)Aquaman isn't Superman so he wouldn't be pushing submarines up out of the water.... oddly enough the only casting they got right was Mera. I'm still not sure if the were trying to make the Willem Defoe look like a seamonkey but it was uncanny how much he looked like one of the seamonkeys from the old comic book ads in the 70's.


"Aquaman isn't Superman so he wouldn't be pushing submarines up out of the water...."

Google is your friend. Aquaman has super strength.


But not superhuman to the point of lifting submarines out of the ocean. Never in the comics did he display that much strength.


My bad if I came across as rude in the original reply.

Just Googled Aquaman's strength. The comics show him flipping a bus with ease, and lifting a building. Guess it depends on which writer, but the images I've seen are newer (last 20 years).


Well I stopped reading comics more than 20 years ago so I can only speak of the original powers and they weren't anywhere near the superman strength... He also couldn't fly, that power came from a ring when he joined the Justice League... In fact he was a pretty wussy character that pretty much relied on sea life to safe his butt most of the time. I guess the current version is a just a revised version. Of course given the skills and powers he now has I don't really see any point in having Superman any more.


"He also couldn't fly"

What are you referring to? Don't remember that in the movie.

"Of course given the skills and powers he now has I don't really see any point in having Superman any more."

Super strength and invulnerability are pretty dime a dozen for DC superheroes or villains. The levels vary, but they are common powers. Superman is far from the only character to have them.


I don't recall any ring JLA members wore to make them fly. You are thinking of the Legion of Superheroes from the 30th Century.


I know the Legion of Superheroes had the rings, but I'm not sure if it was the TV JLA or one of the comics but at one point their were rings that gave them flying ability.


Possible. I haven't read comics regularly for 20 years.


Ok, I just did a quick google search. I found that The Legion Flight Rings appeared in a 2006 episode of Justice League Unlimited entitled "Far From Home". That may be what you are remembering.


Then it was probably on the TV show that they had them earlier because I know I had already stopped reading them well before 2006. Frankly I was never a great fan of them and pretty much gave up on them when they brought in those god awful Wonder Twins in the TV version.


Just so you know, some of us loved it precisely because it WAS cheesy and ridiculous. Bad movies can be a hell of a lot of fun!

Really, I haven't enjoyed a bad movie so much in years.


Similar criticisms on Honest Trailers. This movie looks like crap.


"First off the anti-aging CGI was HORRIBLE....Marvel does it so convincingly you can hardly tell but DC can't do it better than Marvel did in Ant-Man 3 years earlier? Several times I could tell Aquaman's dad was off because his eye positions were crooked on his head!"

You think Ant-Man did a better job? I thought young Douglas looked terrible.

"The submarine attack scene was a joke, I kept waiting for the sub to implode from the hull breach and it never happened."

I don't know submarine mechanics that well, but fair enough.

Fair enough on the next few points.

"Miles Dyson survived Terminator 2, comes back with his son and blows himself up again."

Not the same actor man. Also, not a problem with the movie.


Oh ok he looked exactly like him.


He actually plays Cyborg's dad, so Dyson does mess around with technology again.



Haven't seen it, haven't even read this thread, but it all looks so ridiculous. At some point they are going to run out of super-heroes and stories and we'll see where they go. Makes Harry Potter look like Ingmar Bergman.


the dialogue was like video game cut scenes, full of exposition, people standing talking at each other telling each other all the silly rules they would already know because they have lived it all their lives.


My big gripe is that with all the CGI in this movie, it almost felt like I was watching a cartoon and not live ction


This^ exactly..
Did they really even need the actors for most of this movie?
