MovieChat Forums > Aquaman (2018) Discussion > The most successful non-animated underwa...

The most successful non-animated underwater movie so far

I am speaking of it's worldwide gross. Any objection?


It passed $1 billion at the global office. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thunderball made $63.6 million domestically back in 1965 which when adjusted to 2018 ticket prices on Box Office Mojo is $683.7 million. I have no idea what it’s inflation adjusted international box office would have been.


International box office are also measured in dollars, so only dollar inflation needs to be taken into account here. According to, $1 item in 1966 worth $7.75 in 2018. So, multiply Thunderball's box office $141.2 million by 7.75 and the equivalent today is $1.094 billion. You made a good point, mikethemartian πŸ‘. Let's wait and see if Aquaman can surpass the number one box-office hit of 1966.


Aquaman worldwide gross: $1.096 billion.
