Surrounded himself

by a bunch of Yes men, watching this I couldn't believe how much people just defer to him immediately instead of challenging him. His stage director was the worst of all.



Are you kidding me? Why don't you think Michael Jackson deserves to be the boss on his own show? Who else should be calling the shots?

The only reason the film, concert and the careers of most people associated with the documentary exist is because of Michael Jackson. The same reason the film made over $60 million dollars in 2 weeks. Who else on the planet, living or dead, could pull that off? Especially without doing tons of press and publicity events.

If that doesn't give him the power and authority to make decisions and have everyone defer to him, what does?

I saw a very hard working man who had a lot of respect for people he worked with. From the young dancers and musicians in their twenties to guys older than he was. Very admirable.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.



I agree yellowflowersincali. Michael Jackson was a part of my whole life. Different ways at different ages.

You can't imagine how much someone you've never met and who didn't know you exist can influence you. I still think about him and his life almost every day.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.



Ok guys..ive been wondering about this for the longest! We have all seen the movie and I bought it on Blue Ray too. Its 5.1 surround sound and the quality is amazing in all ways. The production is so unbelievable for a rehersal....a rehersal...yes people document there concerts and what they do in general but not at this high of quality....I just found it so weird that all of this was recorded the way it was. Not even real movies are recorded at such a high level unless its the dark knight. Yes its Mike we are talkin about but has he ever recorded anything at this high of a quality to see how he did for his rehersals? I dont know i thought it was a little weird. Its like they were 'preparing' to release this movie. I dont know. It all seems to planned. Is there a documentary explaining the making of this is it....its kinda weird making a movie about the making of something...idk.


You are correct, Dionmya005. This is It producers were planning to include the rehearsal film as part of a movie on the concert. That's why the quality is so high.

Plus, there's such a thing as editing. Of course they leave out the parts that look like crap. Only the good stuff is used in the final product.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


They better say yes when it comes to certain things. The guy knows what he's doing with his material better than anyone. If you watched closely though, Mike had complete respect for his co-workers, and his co-workers were professional to the point that they demanded feed back.

MJ hired the best people for a reason, and it wasn't because they were sycophants.
