Did I miss something?

On one of the shows at the beginning of the season, they showed a preview of one of the girls hysterically chasing another girl with a bouquet of flowers and hitting her over the head with it. Then they never showed this scene in any of the following episodes. Did I imagine it? What am I missing here?


Nope, I saw what you are referring to as well. It must of been edited out. It never aired in the regular programming.


That's right! What happened to that??? Was that possibly Tali doing that? I am not sure but it seems like it might have been.

Maybe they wanted to soften her image to make her more likable for some reason.


I was wondering the same thing, but i thought i had seen Heather in that scene...


I was thinking the same thing when I watched this last episode. There was some sort of fight between two of the girls but they never aired it. It sucks because it just shows that this show is pretty set up.

*I am proud to be a Colin Firth Freak!*


It sucks because it just shows that this show is pretty set up.
Even though we all know these shows are set up, I wish the producers would try not to make it so obvious. Make it possible for the audience to at least try to pretend!

"I know drug-real from real-real!" Beef in Phantom of the Paradise


To me, it looked like it was Tali with the flowers. She must have a temper on her! Why would the producers edit that out? It would be good entertainment value and probably good for ratings to have some cat fights.


I think it was Kristian, and it was during the Prom episode. They teased it over and over, I don't know why it was cut from the show.


Yep you are correct it was Kristian, its easy to know because of the small tatoos on her back.


No, it was Tali being hit with the flowers.

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... Except herpes, that *beep* come back with you.


I really thought it was Tali hitting someone and that Luke made a big mistake picking someone with an anger management issue. Thank goodness it wasn't her. Luke and Tali might have a chance after all...
