Could Tali be a man??

Has anyone noticed that Tali has the face of a man??

Or, is it just me?

Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father...prepare to die!




kcmet79: She's pretty but she looks like a transexual/drag queen You can help change the world.


Well, she's a very pretty man then.



Yeah, it's just you who has the face of a man.

Move along! There's nothing to see here.


You people can't appreciate beauty in another culture. Not everyone has to be cookie cutter blonde haired and blue eyed to be beautiful. Tali is very exotic looking and yes, beautiful.


I would say it's you... but that would be giving into your idea that all women, or all men have the same face...


Arabs and other semetic races are very dark, and seem to have very manly features prominent in their women. Of course the nose doesn't help her either.

I guess Luke's dad is going to be unhappy, Luke has pretty much thrown away his family heritage now.


I wouldnt give a sh!t if she were a tranny. In fact, i'd find that a turn on. BTW, i'm straight.
