MovieChat Forums > More to Love (2009) Discussion > So what about Tali's religion???? WTF???

So what about Tali's religion???? WTF???

It makes me a bit frustrated when hearing so much about the cultural differences/religious difference as myself, who comes from a diverse background. America is a HUGE melting pot of so many gorgeous women of all shades and cultural backgrounds. America is really just a bunch of mutts honestly, and how many people have families who have come from multiple ethnic backgrounds?? A LOT!!!!

Plus, for God's sake, the whole religious thing should not be as big a deal unless you are one of those who thinks God chooses this church or that church. My family has everything from Jewish, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Buddhist, Atheist, Southern Baptist, Methodist, Quaker, Episcopalian, Catholic, etc. etc.

There are so many marriages that are mixed per se: for example, Jewish and Christian, Catholic and Protestant, we are living in the 21st century!!!!

And so what if she is from Israel?? If Luke is a die hard Christian (which I doubt) then he should respect and honor Jewish customs. Jesus and everyone in the bible came from that "holy land", NOT from British- they were all pagans at that time.

Depending on their religious views, they can learn to respect and realize that God is God, and to be anti-Jewish is anti-Semitic, and i mean, helllo???? all the people in the bible were from there. Tali herself is probably more closely related to the prophets of the "Book."

You can celebrate Hannaka and Christmas, Passover and Easter, bit flippin' deal.... Interacial marriages and interfaith marriages should not be a big deal. I mean, she's Jewish, who cares??

And by embracing her culture into their family would be good for their children since America is becoming increasingly diverse. For example, if a white man were to marry a Mexican American or an Italian or an Irish or a Greek, you can learn so much from the cooking, the culture, embrace it....

If Luke does not choose Tali because she is Jewish that is *beep* up, I mean, its his own personal preference, but as a person who loves all men and embraces diversity and works with people and has dated people from different cultures, I find it extraordinary and very interesting.

If a man didn't want to marry me because I was Latina, or Jewish or whatever, I would be like, then you aren't the man for me because that is a very ignorant decision. I understand and respect that certain cultures esp. the older generation prefer to marry within their own. For as for myself, a pretty liberated woman, I don't care what shade you are and as long as you have spiritual beliefs that are respectable and preach the love of God, then so let it be....

The Jewish religion is a beautiful religion and he does not necessarily need to convert but if he was a "bible thumper" from the beginning then they should have eliminated all potential contestants who had different beliefs, which is besides the point.... and i seriously doubt he is a stout "bible thumper" anyways. He may have been christianized as a baby or baptized but as for raising their children, you can incorporate the mixed cultures, it can be done, it worked and my parents have been married for over 30 years.

I know that this is a long email but all these "religious" comments bother me, because he keeps on saying how much its "2 totally different cultures".... when in fact, half the Bible is the Old Testament based on Jewish Law and customs. And if he likes hot dogs, just buy some good ol' Hebrew Nationals, lol.... the cultures are not that different for real, millions of Christians flock to Israel every year for their spiritual holiday. And every person in the Bible was not from England, they were from the Mid East therefore, that land is our mecca and should be respected.

And just because her parents are orthodox does not mean she is, or is even spiritually religious herself. In my family we have conservatives and reformists.... I think that by them having children will only enrich and show how much America has grown and come to gripes of interacial and inter-faith marriages!!!!


Whoa! Calm down, way down.


I'm a bit surprised the issue is more to do with religion and not so much about colour. You can help change the world.


So true. My only thing is, I would not want my son to be circumcised, but other than that, it would not be a big deal to me...
But, if I had to be forced to get it done, by a rabbi on the 8th day might be a bit safer, but I'd rather not have that part of my son cut.
But religion shouldn't matter if there's love to consider.

He said,
"Just put your feet down child,
'Cause you're all grown up now."


Some people are just hatefully little d-bags. They think they know the way, and everyone else can... literally.. go to hell.


This show is kinda a joke, the producers are trying to make Luke's dad sound like a racist, when he is just concerned about the racial makeup of his future grandchildren.

Luke needs to care more about his race instead of his penis and go for the girl with "the nice Irish eyes."

I know some of you want to keep your head in the sand, but there is no such thing as diversity if everyone is mixed.


The Old Testament is not just "based on Jewish Law and customs" it was taken directly from the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh). Now if Luke's father knew it was written in Mesopotamia (aka Iraq) he would probably keel over and die.


the producers are trying to make Luke's dad sound like a racist

You make that sound like a bad thing You can help change the world.


It seemed to me that Luke's dad was into Malissa a bit too much....he was definitely attracted to her!


As a devout Christian I have to agree with the father's concern of Luke marrying a Jewish girl. Listen, the majority of true Christians are 100% in support of Jewish people and their culture. Christians and Jews believe in the same God and share holy texts but their differences are just too big to be ignored. The sheer fact the Christians believe that Jesus IS God and the Jewish faith sees him as just another biblical figure will easily create some BIG theological conflict with a married couple of these two faiths. For example, A true Jewish person CAN NOT celebrate Christmas. Sure, they could go through the motions but in the end they are just celebrating the birth of some kid in a barn several centuries ago. Where's the faith connection in that? Same with Easter and the celebration of a lie in a Jewish person's eyes. HOW CAN THIS WORK!! I have MANY Jewish friends (including very close friends) and I respect their views and beliefs but I just don't agree with them. We NEVER talk about religion and many of us are life-long buddies. When a devout Jewish/Christian couple get's married though, that couple MUST bring religion into the marriage for it to succeed. How can that work if they take their faith seriously? This is not coming from a Bible-Thumper but a devout, practicing, level headed Presbyterian.


Religion is the way a person relates to the universe. The idea that that isn't important is nonsense. If you have a "religion" that you can set aside or dismiss as unimportant for "love," that is not your religion; it's just something you pay lip service to.

But even in that case it is an important issue for couples, in case they should have children. The beliefs in which a child should be raised can be a point of contention, and can cause extreme trouble in a mixed-faith marriage. The way the older generations of the families will deal with the marriage must also be considered. It's not just about feelings.
