Is Analyzer in this movie?

I am very curious to see if Analyzer is in the new movie. How do you think they will recreate him? Will he be a help or a hindrance to this film. I think if the do him wrong he will turn out another Jar Jar. However I do like him in the show.


Are you talking about IQ9?


yes sir I am, however his name in the original is Analyzer. It really doesnt matter since they are exactly the same character. There voice actors even sound the same. Just Analyzer is a little more pervy. Those who have seen the original know what I mean. LOL


Hahaha yes, using netflix I had a chance to see some of the original japanese episodes. The ones that included death scenes, and where they drank sake instead of "spring water."

And yes, analyzer was a lot more....odd....than IQ9. Too wierd for American censors who rewrote most of his "stranger" lines.

My guess is there will be a robot in this film, my guess is they will use the name Analyzer. And I doubt he will be CGI, I'm going to guess they'll use an animatronic Analyzer since it's Japan...they might even use a voice synthesizer for him instead of an actor.


I've seen stills that show Analyzer is in, at least, the climax. Don't know how big his role in the rest of the movie is.


analyzer is in the movie, first as portable device and later as robot, hope this isn't spoiler enough.


Hey what do you mean spoiler enough? at least its something more than what we have here on the boards now,about this movie. Thanks for the info. :)

If it ain't broke don't fix it. and always remember where ever you go-there you are.


Hey what do you mean spoiler enough? at least its something more than what we have here on the boards now,about this movie. Thanks for the info. :)
The reason many reviewers are unusually tight-lipped about the plot is that it is incredibly "tight"-- as in almost every character/device plays an important part in moving forward the story...

So talking too much about which parts were inspired by the original anime-- which is already very "old-fashioned" and familiar to sci-fi fans-- and what they changed (although there are NO ridiculous twists, whew) would just give things away...

If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.


Yeah, but making him EVEN MORE like R2D2?


Emm, how do you "rip off" R2D2 even more when the origin anime/concept was BEFORE Star Wars/R2D2? I mean, he speaks with a synthesized male voice instead of blips/squeaks right?

You youngsters/novices have to get this right, Star Wars was heavily influenced BY 1970's cyberpunk, NOT the other way-- it was a very successful, but very unoriginal, amalgation. Next thing you'll be telling me is that HR Giger was influenced by James Cameron.

Yamato, just like Star Wars, was a REFLECTION of 1970's sci-fi sensibilities and style.

If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.


analyzer is in the movie, first as portable device and later as robot, hope this isn't spoiler enough.
Nah, I don't think it counts a spoiler if you don't reveal where and when he appears-- shh...

If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.


Yes. It appears on a regular basis throughout, demonstrating wisdom and courage right up to the end.


Like others have said. Hes in it, though briefly. They even got his original voice actor back.


BTW, it's even in the credits when each of the cast gets a 5 second glamor shot-- in a hangar bay scene/shot that's not actually in the movie, probably some test footage they did for Analyzer....

If you care enough to go around telling people you don't care... you obviously care.


I wonder if they've come out with an Analyzer smartphone yet? Considering how
the Japanese love their cell phones, it'd seem like a no-brainer.


Analyzer was my favourite thing in the film. His part may be small but he makes an impression.


what he lacked in screen time he made up for in style


what he lacked in screen time he made up for in style
I agree. His brief appearance was a highlight, but alas, really just a cameo. I would have liked to see more of him/it.🐭
