Erin Gray

I'm finally watching Luther and everything is awesome but oh my God I can not stand her! She is without a doubt the most annoying character to appear on this show


Same's not even her "acting" but the character in general. This show is "very good" but its flaws - though very few - are so incredibly over the top that it keeps the show from being "amazing"

Am on Season three now


Erin Gray?

She's in maybe 3-4 minutes of the whole thing. Barely even noticeable.

Dude, get a grip.


Do you know who Erin Gray was? a tad more than 3-4 minutes.



ts flaws - though very few - are so incredibly over the top that it keeps the show from being "amazing"

so they introduce a stuck up self righteous character that we are not supposed to like, and you think this is a flaw? Interesting...

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


I didn't like her either.


She was just awful. I think for me it was both the acting and the character. I feel like we were supposed to hate her and man did it succeed. Even when she tried to save Mary I still couldn't stand her (plus Alice did most of the work anyway). I hated that it was hinting that her and Ripley were going to have something together after he asked her for that drink. He could've done so much better and I can't believe that he would even be interested in someone like that and after all she had done to screw over Luther.


I really tried to like her, but there's nothing there to like. Maybe if they made the character somehow deeper or more interesting. She's a pain in the butt. Arse.


I hated that it was hinting that her and Ripley were going to have something together after he asked her for that drink

Not everything is about hook ups. He handed her an olive branch after he blew her off. It was only about two police officers having a drink together

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


I agree it was likely just an olive branch, but there were a few lingering shots where the show was trying to make the audience wonder... IMO.


I liked the idea of her being a hater, they just did a piss poor job of establishing the reason for it to the point where she would go after John the way she did.


She was so vindictive and wasted too much time trying to get to the top by any means necessary. She joined George in his vindictive quest to bring down Luther by any means necessary gets his what he deserves and I think after she was shot she started to realize maybe John wasn't so bad. And as petty as I may sound it helped that she was so damn ugly it made hating her so easy.


Whoops. I just posted something similar. Wish I hadn't missed this post.

Anyway, my feelings on the character (SPOILERS):

She was beep-beep-ing annoying from start to finish. Bullish, clumsy and insubordinate. I hate how she looks and sounds, what she says and does. She often rocked back and forth like she thought she was in a softball game. I always look forward to the scene where she and her miniature tyrant partner die, inauspiciously and uncelebrated, in a stairwell.

So, very good actress I guess... assuming she's not just like the character.


She was just awful. I think for me it was both the acting and the character.

I agree. The character herself was not well-written, so it needs a strong actress to pull it off...someone we could empathize with for a while, and even 'be on her side'. But the actress didn't know how to bring that to us, as she kind of just read her lines.

"Splodey heads keep splodin' " - Sarah Palin, 7-1-16 


Good point about the writing and needing strong acting to elicit at least a modicum of empathy from the audience. As it was, I think most people couldn't wait for her demise.
