Loved It

Saw it today and loved it.


I loved it,too!!!
It's brilliant 😄


I loved it also-charming movie.


I did too. I didn't expect to be as funny but I laughed my ass off..:)


I did not have very high expectations, although I enjoyed the first two, because I had heard it being panned. Five of us went: two blokes and three women and we all had a hoot! I hadn't even had a drink, beforehand.
The audience giggled throughout and cracked up on a regular basis.

I've read through a succession of posts revealing, at length, how 'ridiculous' the premise is; how disappointing the acting is; the age/ looks of the protagonists; how 'sexist'; 'homophobic'; 'foul-mouthed'; 'shallow' blah, blah, blah. The same detractors' names have popped up on every 'disappointed' thread as the evidence against the film is collated and verified ( in their own heads)- Some people have even proclaimed, proudly, that they will be avoiding the film altogether!

Well, I'm pleased that I went, reluctantly, to see this film. It was one of the best laughs, in a cinema, that I have had in a long time. I'll be buying it on DVD, when it comes out. 8/10


So glad I am not alone. This movie really needs better PR
