MovieChat Forums > Bridget Jones's Baby (2016) Discussion > Why can't they test for paternity?

Why can't they test for paternity?

A quick google search showed that they can test in utero as early as 10 weeks.


Paternity is determined via amniocentesis, which carries risk of miscarriage. Some people choose to wait until baby is born for that reason.


You may be thinking of chorionic villus sampling (CVS), as that's done at 10 weeks and does run a much greater risk of miscarriage. However, an amniocentesis still does carry a small risk too, so many don't want to chance it with even that procedure.


Because that would take a couple of weeks for the results to come back (i.e. 5 minutes in movie time). They needed to draw it out for a few hours with her usual backwards and forwards between one guy and another crap. I loved the first two movies but this one can have a miss until it turns up on tv some time.




With her age they would encourage her to do an aminio anyways but then the plot is ruined..


OP and others, you're missing the point. She doesn't want either of them to know who the real father is because it would upset both of them. It's the heart of the story, 50/50 chance, that's the premise, keep it from each of them by telling both they are the father. Did you not watch or understand the trailer? God, the obsession with finding fault in film stories before even seeing it is staggering.


They actually explain this in the movie. She is going to do a DNA test at one point but gets freaked out and decides to wait


Spoiler Alert

Right before the doctor is about to do the test there is an ultrasound moment where Bridget falls in love with the baby so she freaks out over the miscarriage risk and leaves.


Big needle. She wimped out
