MovieChat Forums > Bridget Jones's Baby (2016) Discussion > Heartbreaking box office :-/

Heartbreaking box office :-/

Loved this little film. Took my elderly grandmother, who loved the first two (was embarrassed to remember that she'd seen both Diary and Edge of Reason on network TV, hence her initial shock at Bridget's repeated 'F' bombs). We both thoroughly enjoyed this one. Then to see that it only pulled in a little over $8 million this weekend (even lower than Edge of Reason, which opened on 2500 less screens over 10 years ago!) I guess in America, interest in our Bridget has plummeted. It did great overseas though, even breaking some UK records. I'll have to see this one again before it leaves, I don't think it will be in US cinemas for more than a few weeks.


The U.S just has different interest/values. If it isn't about sex jokes or sexy young actors/actresses looking for love, the Americans won't be watching. However, I think Europe will be watching so the move will not be a flop.


Americans are also obsessed with violence so this kind of movie won't be their cup of tea. Movies with shooting and killing? Big hits over there.

Europeans know what's good. :)


Americans are also obsessed with violence

You should be grateful for that. It's because of us European countries still have borders and don't speak only German or Russian....


As long as the film brings in twice as much as it cost to make, then it won't be a flop.


or...its just not a very good movie




I found Sully pretty boring... Except for the girl from Herman's Head who I always thought was kinda cute...


Or other #1 films: Finding Dory, The Secret Life of Pets, Zootopia or The Jungle Book.

I don't consider myself a film snob but at least I'm not as pretentious as some of the comments made here.


The first one made $71.5m on a $25m budget. Not poor by any stretch.


I think that we can all agree that the second one was pretty bad, and people may not want to spend $13-18 for a movie that was part of the same franchise.

As for me, a large group of us went to see it and thought that it was very good.


I thoroughly enjoyed the film - laughed a lot and so did the audience.


Then to see that it only pulled in a little over $8 million this weekend (even lower than Edge of Reason, which opened on 2500 less screens over 10 years ago!) I guess in America, interest in our Bridget has plummeted.

If this had been an action, sci-fi or horror film it might have been #1.But the studio was nuts to think a US audience would be interested in this sequel with a gap of 15 years between this and the first one!

The truth of life has been revealed.


The trailer was horrible, so that may have kept people away. I decided to go because some people I know said not to judge the movie on the trailer. I liked it.


American comedy market is now overshadowed by Seth Rogen-ish movies with 'drugs&dick jokes ', so there's really no place for a lighthearted British comedy. Plus, there was a huge amount of controversy about how Renee looks and I suspect it hurt BO a lot.


American comedy at this point is currently in the toilet and it is not just Seth Rogen-ish movies but the "raunch" comedy has taken over the marketplace. Look at the success of
Bad Moms.

What BJB had going against it is that
1. The lingering effects from Edge of Reason was still on people's minds.
2. It has been too long since Reason and follows the trend of sequels that waited too long. Look at Zoolander 2.

I'm not familiar with any controversy over Renee's looks and I doubt that not many people know or care about it. She still looks the same to me.

Some of my friends saw it. Some liked it and some hated it. It seems like a mixed view point to me.


The North American box office does NOT matter in this case. Studios care mostly about foreign box office these days. The movie wasn't even made in the USA it was made in England and pulled $29 million internationally. It is the number one film at the foreign box office and that is what MATTERS.



I believe that the after taste from Edge of Reason still lingered in the air and it was what kept many away. To be fair, Blair Witch didn't fare any better either and the hype on that one was massive.
Personally, Edge of Reason was just awful and lacked what made Diary so awesome and I know some friends who saw Baby and had mixed opinions about it saying it had laughs but was overall not very good.
I don't think the American interest in Bridget has diminished but the perceived quality of the product is lacking on their end.
