The Skrall (spoilers)

Okay, the other thread is heading in an off-topic direction. So I bring the discussion here.

To anyone who has seen it, are you disappointed with how the Rock Tribe was portrayed in this movie? I'm talking about their annoying screeches, them being incapable to put up a good fight, that they're defeated usually by one hit, that Tuma dies (I guess he does) from getting slammed into the back a couple of times and that the other Skrall and Atakus (or Bone Hunters, I can't tell because they all look the same) just stand there chirping and facepalming, waiting for the traitor to give them orders.

I mean seriously. These are the guys that ran over Atero and destroyed it. The ones no one could defeat in the arena. The only thing they do right in the movie is rampaging through Tajun, but even that happens off-screen. So what's the deal? How were we supposed to see these poor saps as the main villains? The director is a racist! Racist against the Rock Tribe!

Okay, that last one was a joke. But my main point was not. Anyone feel the same way? It's my biggest gripe with the movie.


I do. The Skrall were portrayed as morons! Especially Tuma! I felt that he should have been eviler! His bio even says that he is agile and quick! In this, he's just a brute with zero fighting skills whatsoever. One hit to Mata Nui, brag to Skrall, rinse, lather, repeat. They made it seem amazingly awesome in the trailer! But noooooo! They pull this stupid stunt instead.

I also thought that the whole traitor thing was done wrong. The traitor should not be leading the Skrall and Bone Hunters, only helping on the side with Tuma taking a more central role as the main villain. I also didn't like what happened to the traitor in the end, and the Extra "chariot rescue scene with Click" didn't help either.

The only good thing about the Skrall is the stupidly funny things that Tuma says, "I am the mighty Tuma!!!" Its as if he needs to affirm his place in the Rock Tribe!

(On a side note, Greg Farshtey (writer of the series) said that the characters are 80% biomechanical and 20% mechanical, yet Tuma's back was like a fraying wire! What the heck is that all about?) /rant


(On a side note, Greg Farshtey (writer of the series) said that the characters are 80% biomechanical and 20% mechanical, yet Tuma's back was like a fraying wire! What the heck is that all about?) /rant

But, aside from us hard core fans, who gives a damn about tidbits like that? True, I these "robot" depictions did irk me somewhat in the movie, but since the biology of the characters isn't such an important factor in the story (besides some throw-away lines about what X and Y like to/don't like to eat and the mentioning of Spikit feces), they could just as well be 80% mechanical. The general audience doesn't pay attention to these kind of things, and I don't think it's been mentioned in any official story material anyway.

What I would have liked them to explain, though, was why exactly was Tuma's back so vulnerable. Why did it spark? Did he have a malfunctioning mechanical implant? Or was he simply so stupid that he moved his "wings" to the side, revealing his unarmored back?

The traitor should not be leading the Skrall and Bone Hunters, only helping on the side with Tuma taking a more central role as the main villain.

And that one too. Why did the Skrall just stand there, sighing and facepalming (nonetheless, understandable reactions to such a fight scene), instead of, you know, moving in to kill the one responsible for their leader's demise? Don't forget, Tuma was the last of his class, and I have a hard time believing they would trust the traitor to lead them against the other tribes and the baterra (not things that were ever mentioned in the movie, but still an important back-story).

Tuma's defeat was, for me, the real tragedy of the movie. Though nasty and with evil intentions, I did care for him in Empire of the Skrall. Now we know the whole web serial was, essentially, for nothing, except for revealing things like the Sisters of the Skrall, Angonce and all that... but to end it like this, all the efforts of the Rock Tribe... either Tuma has to return in a wheelchair, or some Skrall will have to mate with his sister to make a replacement-Tuma.
