MovieChat Forums > The Violent Kind (2011) Discussion > Anyone else root for the rockabillies?

Anyone else root for the rockabillies?

This movie was alright. Started out a little slow, then became a strange home invasion supernatural/sci-fi thing. Even though the rockabillies had really bad intentions(wasn't it the extinction of the human race?), when they were making life a living hell for the biker group, it felt just right. I usually can't stand entitled people, be them rich dicks/bitches that put down those who are't rich, or in this case, the biker gang who believed themselves to be entitled because of who they were affiliated. It's the gang entitlement. "You don't know who you're messing with! If you knew what was good for you...". Knocking people down a peg or two. It DID become really annoying how Cody and Shade, specifically, kept on shouting it out, "You know who you're messing with?!", over and over. Then SLAP, they finally come to the realization that nobody's going to save them. Their entitlement's worth crap and they were put into their place(Shade was killed, LOL, but even though she was DAMN fine, she was too loud mouth for her own good). It's kinda the opposite of most home invasion/hostage situations. Where in most, you have the hostages trying to make peace and not doing anything rash, these ones(with the exception of Megan, who was probably the only level-headed one of the group) trying to piss off and act all confrontational with the rockabillies. I would understand if it was based on underestimating a first time, but after Cody's ass was handed to him over and over again, it just didn't sink into his think skull. These guys weren't human, and all his entitlement as being born into a biker gang mean nothing at all.


i was kind of rootinrg for the rockabillies but at the same time i loved the bikers for there badass attitude not there entitlement. hated that tiffany shepis got killed


Definitely rooting for the rockabillies, they were great. Before they even made their main appearance I said to myself "I really hope everyone dies in this!".

