Awesome movie

Dante's Inferno Animate Epic
I presume this is it?
Because in info section there is diferent description and its says it lasts only 20min
Dante's Inferno Animate Epic is full length movie 90min
It surpass my expectations
I thought this would be something cheesy like the Dead Space prologue movie that was released
But this.....this is simply awesome work. Created from 6 different animation studios.
Buy it
Rent it
Its totally worthy


looks great, too bad it won't be released until April

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Actually, after watching the trailer they have here, I think this is a different Animated Danye's Inferno - it's not the Visceral one. IMDB doesn't seem to have a listing for that yet.

But yes, the animated film based on the video game is well worth seeing though play the video game first if you don't want the plot spoilt.


I was impressed with the film. Decent story, great graphics and exciting from beginning to end. It inspired me to look up the original and compare the stories.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I think U watched the same film I watched. It's amazing.. one of the strongest animation film I ever saw, and I really was taken to hell and back. Let 3D go to hell. But, I really don't get it. The film is 90 minutes with 6 different studios like U said. Nothing matched the data supplied here in IMDB. Are we talking about the same movie ?. Is the copy we saw not listed here ?. I found a web site that accuses IMDB of deliberately banning any information about this one.
If U understood something, please let me be informed.
