MovieChat Forums > The Colony (2009) Discussion > The Colony combined with Lost???

The Colony combined with Lost???

Why hasn't this been done? Lost was partially inspired by Survivor, no? The Colony is a much better show than Survivor because it's 100% more realistic and isn't a stupid game show with eliminations and challenges. Lost was one of the most popular shows of all time and MANY aspects of those shows could fuse with the idea of The Colony.

So my question is why hasn't there been a show that combines these concepts and drops people off on an island, maybe even in a simulated plane crash? And just like Lost they use materials from the plane, get attacked by hostiles, and stuff like that? Seems like it would be extremely popular considering the success of the elements it is similar to. Could easily just be season 3 of the Colony.


But if it was like Lost, you'd get one extremely awesome season followed by a rapid descent into a confusing mess when they got bored and started making stuff up as they went along. :)

Seriously, though, I agree to a great extent; I also can't stand Survivor (and most 'reality' shows) because of the game show and competitive "bitchy" aspect... it's all about trying to out-backstab each other to win $$$. Not my idea of entertainment! What I love about The Colony - aside from the post apocalyptic theme (a passion of mine) is the idea its about working TOGETHER... there are no 'winners', just fellow survivors; it really does work on the 'Lost' theme of "live together or die alone".

I think a 'desert island survival' type show in the vein of The Colony would be very interesting... a group stuck on an island with just the crashed plane/boat materials at hand. No 'raiders' (since we're not in Mad Max/post apoc territory here now) but just pure survival, working together with what skills they have. I'd watch that.

As much as I want a great season 3 of The Colony, the way the last few eps of S2 degenerated (IMO) I don't know if it will happen, or be any better. The idea of a 'disaster/castaway survival' show would make a reasonable alternative, though.
