Season 1 on netflix

I am just watching season 1, from what I see I think I would get rid of all the women, who seem to be completely useless. From what I can tell they picked 4 women who are all dead weight and whiny bitches.


Just to throw fuel on that fire, and possibly spoil the show a bit, the nurse's daily task happens to be making herself evening wear. I'm not kidding. However, she's not nearly as bad as Miss Deadweight AKA the model/actress Becka in season 2.


Not all the woman were worthless; Morgan the engineer was pretty useful. She helped with the wood fuel, the music and assisted John C. with the telegram. Otherwise Allison (the nurse), Leilani (self-defense instructor) and Amy (marine bioligist) really didn't pull their weight as much compared to the guys. To be fair though, Amy at least made a net that helped Joey catch a fish.

In my opinion, I found Allison and Leilani the most annoying of the group. Allison for being dead weight and showing a lack of maturity and professionalism. Mike was a douche to her but as a nurse, you should be used to patients treating you like crap. I can't believe she just stood there and didn't even help him disinfect his wound. She was a 28 year old acting like a prissy 21 year old college student.

Leilani was just as useless. As a self defense instructor, she just stood there while Allison got her ass handed to her by Elizabeth (the asian actress). Another thing I found annoying about Leilani was her poor judgement in giving away their limited resources to begging survivors. I understand the whole "maternal" thing and the need to help your fellow man but she seemed like she was too emotional to make rational decisions. She was giving away water like it was trick or treat.
