MovieChat Forums > The Colony (2009) Discussion > Here's what I don't get *Spoilers*

Here's what I don't get *Spoilers*

OK, so I just watched the first 7 episodes. Mostly because I'm interested in what their priorities were and how they would solve all the problems.

Some group of religious "apocalypse-nuts" just got sent in by the producers. They asked for help and one of the guys gives them his water bottle because he feels sorry for them.

They must know that these people are actors and probably had a great dinner 1 hour after this gig? Why give them stuff when you know it isn't real?

I really enjoy the parts when they construct things and have elegant solutions to real problems, but when actors are thrown in...


I know, like when they find that other camp,
Were those people out there the whole 50 days, too?
That seems like a waste.


Exactly, I wish they would've just stuck to the "real" parts of the show :|


Some of the 'roleplay' kinda broke the fourth wall for me too, but then again neither of us have been in a post-apocalyptic scenario and have had to live with that 'reality' for so long. I wonder if the subjects immersed themselves so much in their plight that even the stuff that was obviously acted out seemed real to them.

A lot of their reactions sure looked genuine, another example: When George was taken out of the experiment people acted as if he was dead, although of course he wasn't. And there were numerous scenarios where they brandished weapons against what everyone ought to know were hired actors / stunt men. To them though, they were the enemy, coming to steal their food or otherwise make their lives miserable, so the reaction was warranted. Season 2 even brings more and heavier confrontation with the 'actors'.

I find the psychological part very interesting, and I wonder how it seemed like to the colonists. Guess we won't really find out unless we participate ourselves.


I facepalmed several times wondering this. These people know they are on a television show, yet they think the producers are going to allow them to starve to death, send in people that would physcially harm them, or allow George to wander off to his death? You can say whatever you want about the stress of the situation, but for a person not to remember that none of this is real is completely beyond me.


They know they're on a show. We know they're on a show. If it really bothers you, then I'd recommend you take the thought further. In order to immerse them in the alternate reality, they were likely forbidden to talk about the real world. So there would be no wistful conversation on what a feast they would get to have in 10 days. There would be no mention of flying airplanes or helicopters (fairly certain I saw one when they had the dirigible out). No mention of cars or trucks going by. They were likely pinned in the compound the majority of the time literally because the production team couldn't pay to cordon off all that space for 2 months. Some of their ingenuity was helped by the production team, but also some of the stupidity. I truly doubt that 10 adults would just forget to go collect river water until they were damn near empty twice. Or not go back to the orange trees or hospital or attempt more fishing. And anything they did say or do that broke that reality was edited out.
