MovieChat Forums > The Colony (2009) Discussion > This gets me excited for Fallout New Veg...

This gets me excited for Fallout New Vegas

As much as I dislike the scripted format of the show, I must say it gets me excited for the release of Fallout New Vegas in October!

If any of you really enjoy this show and have an interest in gaming, I'd recommend this game to you all. In fact Amazon is giving $10 credit plus some exclusive Raider bondage gear for preorders, check it: ogames0f-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&cre ativeASIN=B003JBHG6I

Anyone else feeling this? I'm surprised Bethesda isn't running ads during the show, it's a natural fit.

Fallout New Vegas baby!


shirley You and Me are on the same page !!!

War...War Never Changes.


I actually bought FO3 because of the 1st season, now I'll be buying FNV because of the 2nd...Interesting that my dislike of this show results in a bonus for Bethesda and the Fallout team, lol.

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Lol MarcEighty, right on dude.

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Nope, not FPS at all. I'm not sure what the official genre is called, but it's kind of an RPG from a first-person perspective. The fighting can be similar to FPS, but there's also the option (which I usually take) to use a action points-based combat system to increase accuracy (and enjoyment).

FO3 is the only game of it's kind that I own, I'm not much of a console gamer...but I'll make room for FNV, expecially after The Colony 2 lol.

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You all better be careful talking about Fallout on these boards.

You may get attacked by by an evil Yao Guai...I am actually shocked he hasn't come in this thread to show everyone how awesome he is and how lame us gamers are.

Are you a bug Bill Murray?



If you like Fallout 3 and the whole post apocalypse genre (and WRPGs in general), you should DEFINITELY get the original Fallout games (Fallout and Fallout 2)... I think they're about $5 or so from Good Old Games these days, in fact.

While F3 was fun IMO, F2 (and maybe even F1) do kinda leave it for dead in terms of writing and atmosphere. I've high hopes for New Vegas (made by a lot of the folks from the originals, unlike F3) and they've included a lot of user-created modification ideas (hunger/thirst, weapon modification, etc.) in a rare display of a company actually paying attention to what fans want in a sequel!

While I'd still love to play a much more 'survival' based post apocalypse game (ie 'The Sims - Post Apocalypse Version', or maybe an updated version of the VERY old game 'Visions of Aftermath: Boomtown'!), Fallout is a fun series even if it can be a little TOO fantastical for my tastes (esp the later silly add-ons for F3!)... though given the crossover with the 1950's pulp sci-fi genre the series has, I can understand this.

Hey, there's now a game of Spike TV's 'Deadliest Warrior'... maybe Discovery could license a 'The Colony' game? Now that could be fun! :)


You can get Fallout and Fallout 2 at GOG for $6 each. Great deals.

For post apocalypse style games though, I am a diehard fan of Borderlands.
Totally different than Fallout and with its tongue planted firmly in cheek, it is the most fun I have ever had playing a game.

Are you a bug Bill Murray?


Fallout 3 nearly changed my perspective on video games. Im a gamer, and FO3 is by far the best game I ever played. I like FONV, but FO3 is still my favorite. If only the would fix the bugs and glitches in FONV

I like Borderlands co-op ability, which is makes the game more fun.
