Shows Like The Colony

Big fan of the Colony, and I've been wondering if you guys can recommend similar shows. The post-apocalypse and survival themes are really interesting. What shows, fiction or not, do you recommend?


Rather than repost it, I made a list here on the board for the cult show Survivors from the 70's. Others make suggestions there too... hope it helps, and would love to hear what you think of some of these shows! I got into The Colony because I love the genre in fiction, actually.



I love Frontier House and Colonial House, great suggestions.


Out of the wild : The Alaska experiment.


survivors. It's not a reality show. It's a fictional show from the u.k. It's live streamed on netflix.


The Tribe is similar. It's from New Zealand about a world where a virus wiped out all the adults so only kids are left. Depending on how old u r, u may enjoy it. I watched it when I was a teenager but still like it now.


A little different but, CBS or ABC had a show called Kid Nation. I believe it's all on youtube. It's got one season and it's not as good as The Colony but, it's got some nice moments.
