MovieChat Forums > The Colony (2009) Discussion > Isn't it convenient, Season 2

Isn't it convenient, Season 2

-Isn't it convenient that when they need fuel for their tractor, they just happen to figure out that the fat from pigs can be boiled down and used for fuel? Hey, remember those rotting pigs we saw a couple days ago!?? How convenient!

-Isn't it convenient that, just when they think their batteries will run out while using the welder, they are able to get the welding completed in order to charge aforementioned batteries?

-Isn't it convenient that they happened to find grease pens to use for drawing plans and schematics on a window that just happens to be see-through AND tinted so cameras can film from behind?

-Isn't it convenient that when they went hunting for snakes in the Louisiana Bayou, they didn't encounter any poisonous snakes? Isn't it convenient that Jim felt totally at ease with the first snake and grabbed it by it's head without any concern for being bitten?

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Well, it would be a short show if they stuffed up the welding, lost ALL their power and spent the rest of the season stumbling down the stairs in the dark.

The pigs, I don't mind... keep in mind we're seeing edited highlights of their days so the day they found the pigs likely had them find lots of other stuff... but they kept the part with the pigs because the colonists used them later on.

However, I'm puzzled how some people seem to think this show is any more "real" that the likes of Survivor or other more sensational "reality shows". Maybe they checked Jim wouldn't get bit and die by a snake the minute he flipped that log? Big deal! This isn't The Running Man, this is a tv show for entertainment, and a "controlled experiment" at best.

I do think they should try to make things LOOK less "convenient", though.


"Well, it would be a short show if they stuffed up the welding, lost ALL their power and spent the rest of the season stumbling down the stairs in the dark."

Yet, it would be realistic and in accordance with their claim of a "Controlled Experiment". They claim to depict the trials and tribulations of people in a post-apocalyptic world, but they don't. They just tell us a story and get people like Saiga to fall for it.

I want a show that delivers on its promises to viewers. This show is a mockery and attempts to trick the feeble-minded into thinking it's a real 'controlled experiment'. It's not an experiment in any way and shouldn't be labeled as such. This is not how people react to the circumstances, it's how the producers and writers want us to believe they react. If the show consisted of the participants real reactions to incredible boredom, and FAILED attempts at building things, it would be fascinating to watch. They have a 100% success rate at everything they try.

I stick with the show to create threads like this. Bad television deserves to be ripped, and believe me I'm watching this load every week. Watch this thread grow, lol.

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lmao @ saiga, you are a loveable little guy...testy and hot-tempered, but loveable nonetheless. Keep 'em coming little man, you make me laugh! BTW, didn't you say you were leaving this board? Or are you lying about the same way you lie about your height to girls?

And stay tuned for an update on this tomorrow night, we'll have more phony / staged situations to identify.

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This is not how people react to the circumstances, it's how the producers and writers want us to believe they react.

This isn't how people would react. Tell me how many post apocalyptic experiences you've been in and the number of people that you were with.

Utah! Get me two.


I will tell what is convenient. How are the women shaving under their arms?



I actually made the comment to my friend while watching it. I think it is one of those things that the producers make sure is done.



I definitely remember some fuzz on the mechanic later on in the season. Eww..

"I got your nose! Also: I'm EVIL."


A caveman concoction of:

> smooth peanut butter
> nutella
> a rusty old barber strop OR bread knife should suffice

"You can't be mad at somebody that makes you smile." - [Jay Leno]


Dude it's just a television show. Relax. It's not a hardcore survival show.


Dude it's just a television show. Relax. It's not a hardcore survival show.

But it's represented as being just that.


No it isn't. The most common description I've seen used in their advertising is "Social experiment."




-Isn't it convenient that the new fat guy spots the bag of discarded smoked fish on the ground, even though he wasn't around at the time the fish was smoked and he certainly didn't see the fish placed in the bag and thrown away? Amazing that he could see a bag lying on the ground and know it contained fish that was smoked at a time prior to his involvement with the show..."Hey, is that the smoked fish?"

Isn't it convenient that a journeyman carpenter somehow knows how to create and design a windmill...from scratch?

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Isn't it convenient that a journeyman carpenter somehow knows how to create and design a windmill...from scratch?

A windmill that in its current configuration will not work.


Actually he was there when the fish was smoked, he didn't know it had been thrown out however... And if there is a bag lying on the ground and you are looking around for usable stuff, I would think your first instinct would be to look in the bag...

And the windmill design has been around for hundreds of years and is a fairly simple design, most handymen could rig that up without much trouble. When you have no TV to watch, or a job to go to, doing things like this really isn't that big of a deal, you have tons of time to work on it and figure it out.


Not only that, but smoked fish smells. The smell alone would suggest to a person that something is amiss in the surroundings. Apparently Shirley does not have very good senses.


To be clear, I don't disagree that Reno or any of these people could assemble a windmill or anything else they are given plans for. Hell, that's how all the old ladies shopping at Ikea do it.

But no chance in hell he designed the thing and built it from scratch, that's not within the realm of 'handyman'. And that's what makes this show lame. An experiment to see whether a person can go on a scavenger hunt to find things, then follow direction and guidance to put it all together? Wow, ground-breaking and exciting!

Do you guys see how much rationalizing you are doing to make this show work? The smell of smoked fish in a bag automatically clued the creepy anatomy instructor into it's contents? You're kidding me right?

Smoked fish, in a bag, in an open air environment...and the guy's sense of smell so advanced that he smells it out enough to say, "Hey, is that the smoked fish?" Is the guy an elephant smelling water in the desert?

Stay tuned, I have a few more wrap-up "Isn't it convenients" to post. The last few episodes had, dare I say, the most glaring issues. Anyone wanna take a guess at what they were, or anyone wanna start making excuses in advance?

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Alright, here we go with the wrap-up:

Isn't it convenient that Reno and Becka, while 'looking for berries', just happened to find a ringing payphone in the middle of a field? And isn't it convenient that this random, non-scripted discovery just so happened to move the story along enough to bring in the helicopter to drop supplies, smash supplies, and cause the colonists to 'distrust VOPA and their promises' integral part of the show ending?

Isn't it convenient that Tick/Tuck, a 'good guy' who was 'watching the colonists for weeks', entered the colonists camp in broad daylight (though amazingly was never noticed), and used a knife to dramatically post his meeting invitation for the colonists, thus building lots of suspense for the viewer? Wouldn't a normal person, working outside of direction and script, simply entered the camp like a normal person and invited them to his feast?

Isn't it convenient that the random airplane junk that inbred Michel decided to 'take' back home happened to be an integral part of the final escape vehicle?

Isn't it convenient that, when faced with no way to get their boat into the water, the colonists were able to use the tractor that happened to be sitting around for them the whole time?
And isn't it convenient that the tires for the tractor just happened to be located where the helicopter smashed the supplies...the same helicopter which arrived due to a supposedly unscripted, random phone call at a payphone which the colonists just happened to find while 'searching for berries'?

Isn't it convenient that Sian, with only hours left until the end of her Colony 'commitment', suddenly decided to leave everyone else, thus creating more drama and water-cooler talk for the end of the season?

Isn't it convenient that the Colonists, admittedly low on food and nutrition, decide to raid the Raider compound...requiring an enormous expending of energy in travel and assault? Isn't it convenient that the Raiders never saw the Colonists approaching the compound, even when they had multiple cameramen in tow? Isn't it convenient that the Raider's even had a compound to attack? Did the producers pay another set of 'actors' to furnish and man the Raider compound, or was it just for that one...ahem...random event?

Isn't it convenient that the 'explosions' at the Raider compound just happened to be there on the same approach/retreat path that the Colonists used? Isn't it convenient that there were 'cool explosion effect' charges placed there to begin with? I mean, if the raid was unscripted and random, you wouldn't expect any of that, right?

Isn't it convenient that, during the final 'escape', the Colonists 'base' just happens to blow up? If their base was rigged to blow up, wouldn't that have prevented them from ever returning there to sleep? In other words, wasn't it then impossible for the Colonists to 'change' their escape plan? Isn't it convenient that the Colonists happened to make the choice to escape, and happened to choose the correct method of escape, in order for the show's producers to have that grand wrap-up shot of the base exploding? Wow, how convenient!

Isn't it convenient that Sian, after taking the easy way out, is 'heard' screaming when VOPA 'takes her away'? Isn't it convenient that we didn't hear her talking or conversing with the people inside, just a scream? How dramatic! But wait, was that a happy scream or a sad scream!?? Is make-believe VOPA good or bad? The experiment, it's's so real.

Just a 'social experiment', just let the people figure out how they want to play it, right? Nope, not scripted at all.

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What the heck? He was walking around, and noticed the bag on the ground... How the heck is this unrealistic or come even close to over rationalization? Believe it or not, not everyone has to have everything shoved under their nose or pointed out to them directly to actually observe their surroundings. Someone here obviously never went camping, fishing, or left their parents basement...

As far as a windmill is concerned, you can't judge someone's intellect by watching them for a few minutes on TV. Thats why in court cases psych eval's are not allowed by listening to subjects talk in a recording or watching them on TV, they must be interviewed in person. In other words, just because YOU think they are too stupid to figure it out, doesn't make it so, and a rational mind would see your line of thought way more suspect than a 15 minute segment of recorded and edited video. Once again, just because you claim something doesn't make it so, and in fact, when you have no evidence to support your claim beyond "I don't think...[something is possible]" you come across as a fool.

If you can't picture a stinking windmill in your head and begin contemplating the design you would have to be one of the sh***est handymen alive!

Obviously you didn't watch the show or have a very bad memory.

Either way, you come across as an idiot, or a troll, take your pick. If you want to bitch about the show, thats fine, but by god try and do it with at least a tad bit of intellect and maybe, I don't know, pay more attention or watch the part you are describing a second time to make sure you have your facts straight. Otherwise your complaints are hollow at their best, and imbecilic at the least...

(Your statements are so poorly thought out that you made an atheist actually invoke god, thats pretty bad...)



No, they clearly state at the beginning of each show that it's a "CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT".

It's more than that. it's a carefully scripted show. I mean are we supposed to believe they managed to sneak in the raider's camp undetected with a camera crew following them. Heck even the guy in the guard tower is supposed not to have seen them. And then once they are inside, NOBODY tries to stop them from taking the food cans or the fuel.

If it was a 'controlled experiment', several people would have been badly hurt or injured in the various altercations, not just pushed around a bit. It doesn't take much to break someone's nose or arm. George built machetes. Nobody ever got cut. It's all scripted play acting.


I'm not sure if your problem lies in the fact that they know how to do something. Or if it's in that the means are there to do it when they need it.

Skills and knowledge are just like that in relation to people say in the real world and as such. Not everyone is going to know the same. Sometimes you run into someone or know someone really well that suddenly knows something that you had never thunk of. Happens.

Convenient yes as to timing, and whatnot. But still realistic as in it happens. How many times while on the hopper, you had just enough TP to get the job done? Or you ran out? Sometimes you just have to adapt knowing you are going to run out, and use wisely! :)

"Isn't it convenient that Jim felt totally at ease with the first snake and grabbed it by it's head without any concern for being bitten?"

Why is that convienent? You don't think people out there do that for real? My parents back in the day use to go out with people on snake hunts. Used to freak the living **** out of me. My mom who is scared of most things known to man, would pick up a rattler bare-handed as well as stick/rope method, or whatever else kind of snake there was, without a second thought.

Maybe just maybe Jim does that stuff for real. Far from convenient. Just reality if that were the case.


"Isn't it convenient that Jim felt totally at ease with the first snake and grabbed it by it's head without any concern for being bitten?

Why is that convienent? You don't think people out there do that for real?"

Considering that he was the same guy worried about the first snake being poisonous and killing it out of that fear, yes it is very convenient.

"How many times while on the hopper, you had just enough TP to get the job done? Or you ran out? Sometimes you just have to adapt knowing you are going to run out, and use wisely! :)"

Yeah but I don't magically figure out how to design windmills from scratch while on the hopper. Or hybrid trikes. Or all the other stuff that they are given schematics and coaching to build. It's not realistic to be given help, and it's also not realistic to believe that these people can just conjure up high-level plans like this on a whim.

Now if the show explicitly stated each and every time the colonists are provided schematics and coaching, I would respect it more. But the show tries to trick me and everyone else into believing it...just look what they've done to poor saiga!

Here's some more for you guys:

-Isn't it convenient that they had boning knives to use when skinning the gator?

-Isn't it convenient that Jim held his knife up high in the air and gave it a good long pause for the camera before slowly bringing it down towards the gator's head? Great shot Jim, either you're a natural or you take direction well!

-Isn't it convenient that the cameraman had the cool 'gator shot' looking up at Jim while he supposedly killed it? Again, that guy takes direction very well!

-Isn't it convenient that the old fella knew enough about toxic environments to expertly state, "Whenever you start seeing dead animals in the water you know it's a toxa..toxic situation." I'd bet my house that this guy has never, ever said those words in his life. Obvious prompt, and you can even see him looking towards the cameramen to get his cue.

-Isn't it convenient that the 'man-catcher' self-defense device, meant to 'catch intruders by the neck' lol, was perfectly suited for catching the alligator?

-Isn't it convenient that the producers had raiders ready at 4 am to enter their building at the same time that Michel just happened to leave his watch duty?

-Isn't it convenient that all three trike riders had safety helmets on?

And this one's my favorite so far:

-Isn't it convenient that while riding the trike they just happened to find a fast food restaurant that also just so happened to have the sign that Jim's kids wrote on? How convenient!

The Colony: It's so bad, it's good!

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------"Isn't it convenient that Jim felt totally at ease with the first snake and grabbed it by it's head without any concern for being bitten?

------"Considering that he was the same guy worried about the first snake being poisonous and killing it out of that fear, yes it is very convenient."

Yes it is "convenient" for you because you are completely confused. It was George the artist guy that killed the snake in the compund/shelter and was afraid. Jim is the guy that killed the two snakes out on the bayou with Deville sp? He never really looked uncomfortable or too worried.

And if you are dead serious and still think that - than it is contradictory. How would a person be "at total ease with the first snake?" And also "worried about the first snake being poisonous and killing it out of that fear"? LOL Two "first snakes?"

------"Yeah but I don't magically figure out how to design windmills from scratch while on the hopper. Or hybrid trikes. Or all the other stuff that they are given schematics and coaching to build. It's not realistic to be given help, and it's also not realistic to believe that these people can just conjure up high-level plans like this on a whim."

LOL, Who said anything about them sitting on the hopper and coming up with their ideas for the windmill or the hybrid trike (stupid as hell by the way)?
Although it seems like it could happen if needed too. The trike was not anything elaborate I would dare say. I'm sure I could think up a much better one while pinching one out.


Isn't it convenient that the old fella knew enough about toxic environments to expertly state, "Whenever you start seeing dead animals in the water you know it's a toxa..toxic situation." I'd bet my house that this guy has never, ever said those words in his life. Obvious prompt, and you can even see him looking towards the cameramen to get his cue.

That is just common sense.


"That is just common sense."

LMAO, A lot of the persons complaints are.


I don't understand what your problem is. Anyone with a bit of common sense can obviously tell that this is staged. Some parts of the show might be ad libbed or the crew might let certain scenarios play out. Other than that, these people are coached, directed, etc.

This is a controlled experiment and nothing more. It would be almost impossible to recreate a major disaster so they take some liberties every now and then. Pointing out inconsistencies or coincidences doesn't make you clever because a vast majority of the people that post on this board know that this show is staged.


See previous two posters to see people who don't believe that it is staged, and that all of these coincidences are 'just common sense', lol.

Also see that short-statured man of sub-average intelligence saiga, running around and attacking all critics of his beloved 'real-life social experiment'. What was it that he called it exactly, "the greatest reality show ever produced on television' or something like that. Little guys like him are why I constantly berate this show, bad tv and brainless viewers deserved to be ripped.

Do you really think Jesus is coming back?


Well, I think people have to be brainless to think they got ripped. If you hate the show so much stop watching it, its that simple. I am an atheist as well and honestly, I don't believe you are. And if you now claim not to be then I suppose your jesus argument is invalid...

Atheists tend to be slightly more intelligent when speaking and usually a bit more thoughtful in debates or discussions than you appear to be, especially when it comes to showing facts. Mostly because of their drive to prove religion wrong. Not to mention they tend to NOT capitalize the words "god" or "jesus" when they speak because to them they are just words and deserve no more respect than any other word.

And from my experience they tend to be a bit more polite (well on the surface anyways). Not exhibiting signs of serious mental disorders or a lack of comprehension skills...


I think the cast members are getting some pointers from the crew. I also thought at some point in watching season two that the colonists are too incompetant to come up with anything innovative, so the producers must have to throw in some advice to try to teach the viewers something. They don't even have 1 engineer... a teacher? anatomist? logger?? MODEL?? Useless people for survival. They should cut to the scenes where Reno and Becka are doing it doggy-style.


A teacher, a anatomist, a logger and a model are far more representative of who the average survivors would be as opposed to the cast of season 1. Not having 1 engineer is far more believable then having 3 or more out of a group of 10.

When a global caststrophy hits, you aren't going to be left with all people who are usefull to survival in the way of providing high value skills. You ARE going to be left with a lot of people who will be able to do nothing except be manual laborers in the "new world". Until they learn a valuable skill that is.


It just seems that most people have never really built anything with their hands, or had to repair something like a lawnmower or basic car repairs. As long as you fundamentally understand how things work, it's very easy to transfer those skills to doing things you have never done before.

I guess if you've never done any type of handy-man work in your life, it seems awfully convenient that Reno can design a windmill, etc. But it's totally reasonable.


The rotting pigs was a bunch of hooey (pardong the slight pun); honestly, I think a lot of us have heard about rendering oil to mix with diesel but wouldn't have a clue as to whether or not you're supposed to add something to the blend and/or leave the fat intact, etc ... Season One felt much more legitimate but that could also be by choice. This season's cast seems less a cohesive group and more into finding what they need and or focusing on comforts versus basic security and sustainable food source.

I hear what you're saying and you're mostly right but the battery spot welding concept is fairly common and known by even the most amateur do it yourself person.

I don't think the grease pens and glass were meant to be anything but deliberate just as in Season One, the alternative is you could find a real pen / paper and/or scratch it on a painted surface, or rough chalk on the ground. So I wouldn't question that either.

I definetly agree on Jim grabbing the snake but the reality is that poisonous snakes do not dominate the landscape and are not hunting humans, they will curl up into a defensive stance and usually only strike when firectly threatened whereas the non poisonos snakes are much more inquisitive and will typically think flight first.


I don't get all the excitement about this. The show tells you right away it's a controlled experiment; emphasis on "controlled." They also make the statement every episode that the colonists receive medical help or aid if they need it. It's really not that big a mystery, and I've never seen any attempt from DC to convince me that the show is completely legit.

The first season was no different. Wasn't it convenient that they found solar panels right near by, and one of the colonists made his living setting up solar panels? Wasn't it convenient that they just happened to be a block away from a hospital, when they had a doctor and a nurse with them? Wasn't it convenient that the warehouse just happened to have a bunch of car batteries and a DC converter? Wasn't it convenient that one of the colonists' wife showed up? I mean, c'mon; that's just part of the show.


other than the way they shoot some of the scenes, your complaints aren't very valid. i personally know how to make everything that they've made. (this is the main reason i didn't enjoy this season as much as last.)

i'll admit that i didn't know for a fact that a plane engine could run on alcohol, but it was my first thought when they first asked the question "what will we fuel this with?". i probably would have made the alcohol, then tried to fuel the engine with it and hope that nothing goes wrong.

so, my best guess is that your only true complaint should be why haven't you learned how to do any of this stuff. do you seriously think that you couldn't design a windmill from scrap? it's a windmill. and the trike. yeah, i could've thought of that one, too. but i wouldn't have because it was a horrible design.

sidenote- if they hadn't made them wear those helmets, discovery's insurance company would've had a fit. haven't you noticed that you rarely see someone ride a bike or a motorcycle or skateboard without a helmet on tv? no matter how rebellious or macho the character is portrayed to be? it's not just some "helmets are cool" subliminal message, it's just bureaucracy in action.


They ate cockroaches for gods sake..




And do you think those cockroaches came out of the sewer, or out of a nice clean little box provided by a handler hired by the show?

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But they ate field rats. Cmon man.. and SNAKE!! ewww




I don't recall seeing them actually skinning any rats this season, but in season 1 they did. And the rats they showed were cute little white rats, not brown sewer rats or field rats. And, in fact, they only ate rats once in season 1. So they didn't eat rats because they were starving, they ate rats because the producers wanted them to for the 'yuck' factor. The same goes for season 2. If they ate rat meat this season, it's only because the producers wanted them to.

None of these colonists were starving to the point of having to eat rodents, because if they were they wouldn't have had the energy to go on that lame final raid. Hell, they wouldn't have had the energy to build or forage prior to the rat consumption. And furthermore, they would have been eating rats the entire time instead of the one isolated instance. Rats give you energy, so you keep eating rats.

So I don't disagree that they ate rats, but I disagree with the suggestion that they caught and ate some random, filthy, disgusting rodent. And that's the entire problem with the show. They present it as an 'experiment', but it's not. Maybe an experiment to see whether people will eat rat meat in order to fulfill their paid contract to appear on tv? But not an experiment to see if-and-how people will survive when left to their own devices.

Love your sig btw, lol.

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Yeah, they should have risked death to make the show more real for you. Starving for 50 days isn't enough. Or are you now going to say the weight loss is computer generated? Next you will say it can't be real because they are never showed taking a dump or peeing, so they must be puppets or maybe they are all really CGI...

Life is a dream buddy, and you are in a coma...


Wow highlander, I guess I really touched a sensitive spot for you to rail against me so aggressively.

I'm reading more excuse-making from you for these suspicious circumstances that this lame show presents to the viewer. Believing that a reality-tv-participant, on a show which has shown itself to be underhanded on multiple occasions and across two seasons, just so happened to identify the contents of a random bag on the ground from 15 ft away to the degree necessary to excitedly proclaim rhetorically, "Hey is that the smoked fish!?" is, well, a strech of the imagination. Likely in the real world? Not really. Likely in The Colony's make-believe reality? No. Maybe you can ask a neighbor to put something you've never seen, into a bag you've never seen, close the bag and throw it randomly onto the ground somewhere in your neighborhood in a location you've never been...then report back to us once you've encountered it and identified it. "Hey, is that the smoked fish!?"

I would respond in further detail, but as you seem to be a rather humorless person (evidenced by your personal offense to my silly posts) I'll just leave it at that. I enjoy discussion or debate with mild-mannered, light-hearted people that don't take things so seriously dude.

BTW, you'll notice that the only time I speak condescendingly to people is when they verbally attack or [attempt to] insult me. That's on purpose; I have no interest in insulting people who are nice and civil to me. But I'd rather not engage with a lunatic who has posted not once, not twice, but three times in a row to me. I don't know if I should conclude that you were incapable of having these three thoughts simultaneously, or that maybe you were so riled up by my silly post that you couldn't let it go and instead obsessed about it long enough to revisit it multiple times.

I'm sorry that I've irked you so, and I forgive you for your personal attack against me. Jesus forgives you as well.

And yes I am an atheist. Feel free to visit my blog if you'd like to learn more: Just don't threaten me with injury...I can only imagine that's where your next three posts are headed.

For everyone else, please bear in mind that the "Isn't it Convenients" from this season were not limited simply to windmills and smoked fish. I've listed a lot, and if you look back for the Season 1 edition of this thread (created by someone else btw), you'll see even more. The evidence for this show being a crock is decidedly in the skeptic's corner.


You started this thread, you are the one who pushed your exaggerated views and call people who don't share your view point "brainless". Not to mention you have insulted other people in this thread and continue to insult everyone who enjoys this show. You have been condescending to just about everybody who disagrees with you. Your claim that you only do it when someone attacks you is ludicrous. The only way that works is if you view everyone who disagrees with you as attacking you, which screams paranoia.

90% of your complaints regarding the show are either drawn from false information (such as Michel not being there when the fish was smoked), or the fact that Sally, who is a mechanic , Jim a carpenter, Reno a mechanic/carpenter/ welder/tower builder and Deville a man whose lived or worked on farms (he stated it one episode) couldn't get together and design a make shift windmill. And don't try to say you did't see Deville and Jim working on it much, that doesn't mean they didn't help with the design. We didn't see every second of their lives. Considering that the most likely place to find the type of windmill they designed is on a farm, and most farmers try to repair their own equipment, I would say you are dead wrong. (Not to mention its an insanely easy design, which is why they were used so much!) Another problem with your claim is who is the journeyman carpenter? I assume you mean Reno, but nowhere has it been stated that he is a journeyman...

Oh but wait! You said it wasn't limited to just smoked fish and windmills (so I guess thats your way of conceding those points?). Sorry, I stopped reading at those because those two were so moronic and pompous I didn't bother reading the rest of your tripe. I am doing so now.......... Ok I am going to refrain from quoting since there is so much garbage to sort through, but i'll go from top to bottom in the thread, so here we go:

Pigs for fuel? Deville stated they did it on a farm he lived or worked at. Whats the issue with that? He can't have that knowledge because you didn't?

The batteries couldn't just have held out long enough to finish welding? They didn't have a meter on it and they were only worried the batteries wouldn't last, there was no proof they were empty or even near it. There is no evidence of any foul play, just lousy suspense building by the narrator.

And the next one is even dumber. Of course they were given the grease pens and told to draw on the two way window. That way we the audience can actually see what they are planning... Do you also expect them to fashion camera's out of old laptops and telescopes to film the show with? Its the colony, not MacGyver...

It's convenient that Jim knew it wasn't a venomous snake (and the proper term is venomous, not poisonous)? Most people in the south who spend time in the woods can identify whether a snake is venomous or not. Believe it or not, theres nowhere near as many venomous snakes as non-venomous ones, and its fairly easy to tell them apart in most cases. Like most people, I guess you assume every snake is venomous. You are much more likely to run into 10 non-venomous snakes than 1 venomous in the woods. If you want to take issue with this, do some research first next time...

The phone ringing one is just plain ignorant, of course there are going to be circumstance that are setup like this, thats the point of the show, the producers set obstacles for them to figure out. Thats the entire premise of the show, did you really think they let a virus loose in a town and were gonna just film it?

Your complaint about Tick is fine, but they stated they told him to reveal himself, not sure what the issue is... Are you now saying that a trained Marine survivalist couldn't accomplish this? Have you ever watched any of the special ops training shows or read anything about them? I assume not by your statement...

So they used what they found to create the escape vehicle. How else are they supposed to do this? Conjure it using magic and a fairy wand?

So they fixed the tractor... I am not sure what the complaint is... Do you expect the crew to just stick them in a completely empty lot and tell them to crap everything they are to use? I don't think the rear tires were even at the cargo crash and I am not sure what you are getting at. It happened by the fence to their house in plain sight. If the tires were there, I am sure they could have seen them at any point coming and going. They didn't fall from the helicopter if thats what you are getting at. And the front ones where under the tractor and one was tore to hell, boy thats SO convenient!

Not once at any time did anyone claim the phone call was unscripted. Once again the point of the show is to give the colonists scenarios to work through, this was one of them, and they stated it specifically on the show that they did it on purpose. When are they supposed to make the phone ring? When no one is around?

Sian had constantly complained about being there and bitched about wanting to leave and hating everyone, they set that up to see who was willing to leave. Who do you think controls all the people on the show other than the colonists? This is once again another utterly pointless and misleading comment...

And this will be the last one I bother to comment on. First off, I agree I think this one was encouraged by the producers, but I think just about everyone agrees with that part. Why not give them a chance for payback and see how they manage, both physically and emotionally? Second off, this show is not all about them building stuff and fighting people which is what so many people seem to gripe about. Its also about the psychology of the colonists, and their reactions to situations. Complaining about it only makes you look foolish, because time and again its stated during the show and thats exactly how this show has been advertised, as a set up experiment.

You claim to enjoy debates, but you aren't debating if you just yap about a bunch of wrong information, or "I don't think" scenarios. Debates are about facts, your opinion is not fact. In a debate you are supposed to concede a point, not use more wrong information and opinions to justify your last one.

And now you act as if you are an innocent bystander thats getting picked on, well boo hoo. If you don't want your bull shoved back in your face when you spew it, you can always stop.

BTW No one has ever claimed this show to be 100% real. No one I have ever seen (unless its sarcasm) has made this claim. Neither does Discovery nor the commercials for the show, so exactly where is the issue you are complaining about in the first place? Not to mention, if it bothers you so much, turn the channel...

Touched a "sensitive spot"? Nope, I just can't abide idiots...


But they got sprayed with pepper spray man?? you can fake that!!!




Lol, love these remarks fct4nyi ;)

Nah I don't believe they faked the pepper spray; However I do believe they were briefed ahead of time on the fact that they could be pepper sprayed during 'fake combat'.

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It was in their little informed consent thing.

Colony season 3: The IMDB Experiment.


Dude.. the guy got shot with a NET GUN!! Thats hard core.




Smoke and mirrors FCT, smoke and mirrors...

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What about when they dropped that platform and almost killed Deville? That was DANGEROUS!!




That wasn't Deville, it was actually a mannequin cleverly disguised as Deville. Easily seen in slow motion.

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OK.. but they kidnapped that girl.. that was SCARY for her..

you cant fake those emotions..




This might sound strange, but you gotta trust me on this: The girl was never kidnapped, that was also the mannequin. In fact, it was the same mannequin they used for DeVille (see above).

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Not kidnapped? manequin? ohh comooon..

well what about that cut on the guy building the windmills elbow?





Wow... I mean wow..

I have been on a slew of internet forums, game forums usually being the most hostile, and I've gotta say that I have never seen a bitch slapping like the one Highlander gave to you, Shirley. I'm betting you typed those last few comments from the floor...

But I will give you credit where it is due. It's nice to see that you took it like a man and didn't address any of his reply, and simply continued to post stupid little comments about the show. You are definitely the winner of the debate. Congrats.


i think my favoreite was, wasn't it convenient that while Tick was sneaking into the camp , Reno looked right at him then pretended to continue doing his little muddling around act like he didn't see him. I loved that one the best.

