Why all the hate?

I know this is again a remake and stuff, but come on, it has a good cast and give it a chance, it looks like no one wants this on here... I know a lot of people who do, but i mean, on IMDb everyone is hating all the remakes.. Why?


I don't hate it because it's a remake (I usually like remakes as Ling as Michael Bay doesn't make them). I hate it because Baywatch is TRASH. I am so ashamed of and for all the actors.


What makes you so sure the movie will be like the TV show?


It might be good if they play it like The Brady Bunch movies that parody the show rather than just re-enacting it.


Isn't that what they're doing? I thought it was made abundantly clear.


Yeah. Or more recently, 21 and 22 Jump Street. There's a lot to be made fun of on that show so I hope they don't waste the opportunity.


It always amazes me when people hate a film before its release for no reason whatsoever. If you don't think it will be for you then don't watch it, simple.


That's impossible

A lot of people have to complain :)

Like if they hate their life, or their job if they have one

Or both

Just come on IMDB and complain about a movie!

Problem solved



Not at all!

Lots of people are optimistic

It's just that internet boards tend to draw the worst people and the worst from otherwise good people

There are exceptions even here though :)


This to me is in the category of properties that I say, do something with this, sure, fingers crossed.


Because it's dumb.


The hate is coming from feminists and social justice warriors in this case. Followed by anti-remake people.

When the TV show came out it was in the early 90s. Back in those days people just changed the channel if it was something they didn't like. Today? People feel the need to be a SJW and go on epic rants about how racist, sexist,etc things are. It's idiotic.
