MovieChat Forums > Columbo (1971) Discussion > S06E03.. What's up with the tickling?

S06E03.. What's up with the tickling?

Can someone explain the tickling? So damn strange to write into a script. Unless, I'm missing something. LOL!


I think Oliver and Bertie may have been doing more than just the Word game in their private suite.
Tickling Bertie in Public was a way of bullying him into submission I suppose.


As stated above, it was a method of bullying, that allowed Bertie to finally stand up for himself and pronounce that he was taking Oliver down.

[Which by the way, never works out well on Columbo, as evidenced by these other episodes]:

An Exercise in Fatality
Dead Weight
Now You See Him
Murder Under Glass
Murder, Smoke and Shadows
Grand Deceptions
Murder can be hazardous to your Health


Why on earth do you type the idiot "lol" at the end of your post?


Why are you so obsessed with ripping people apart for LOL? I don't get it. You are obsessed with this, and should probably seek therapy! Get over it, LOL!

Why on earth do you type the idiot "lol" at the end of your post?
posted 2 hours ago in Columbo (1971)

Why on earth do you need to type the idiot "lol" in your post???
posted 2 days ago in JFK (1991)

I do have a name you know... Why "lol" is used in so many posts is beyond me, totally pointless and just plain lazy.
posted 2 days ago in Milly Alcock

Stop typing the idiot "lol"...
posted 5 days ago in Milly Alcock

Please reframe from typing "lol" or you will be asked to leave these forums..... Admin.
posted 8 days ago in Daisy Ridley

I'm sure there are more, but I have a life and I'm not going to go further. You really seek to BAN people from the forum, just for typing LOL. Wow, you have issues. I should rip you apart for telling a user to "reframe" from LOL, when the proper word is "refrain".


Do you really need to type the idiot "lol" in your post... Why?








Lol.. funny convo. To avoid making poopy angry, we should just put 'lol' at the beginning of our posts. Lol....

On a more serious note: I will use use 'lol' to indicate that I am half-way joking about something, otherwise people might not get it.


well, that's just crap, how on earth did the English language survive before this idiotic acronym was invented. It destroys the English language, not adding to it.


LOL does not destroy the English Language. You sound like a real nerd. Are you a librarian?

Because so much is written rather than spoken face-to-face these days, we need to add smiley faces or LOLs to denote humor, when it might not be automatically inferred.

Not to be confused with infrared, which is a whole different topic.



let me get this straight, you cannot word a sentence without a stupid smiley face or the idiot "lol" in case the reader does not understand your trying to be humorous... Gawd help us all.


You're absolutely correct. Humor is sometimes difficult to convey in the absence of facial expressions, or without knowing the person.

I moonlight as a Grammar Police Officer. "Your" trying to be humorous should be "you're". I learned that in 3rd grade; You must've been absent that day. Good Day Sir!


