Better than I thought

At first I was worried Cloudburst might veer too much into comedy, or making a (valid) point at the expense of storytelling, but I need not have -- everything is just right, and its a moving story. I've seen about half of Thom Fitzgerald's films, and this one is my favourite so far.


Good to hear. I think I'm seeing it next month. Seems like my kind of film.


I just watched this on LMN. When I initially read the synopsis on my T.V., it didn't sound like something I'd be interesting. Then I noticed it had Olympia Dukakis in it. That got my attention and I decided to tune in. I'm glad I did. This is a WONDERFUL movie.

The three main characters were terrific and very amusing in all the right places. Not too much comedy to overshadow the drama. And man, what a spitfire Olympia is! lol


I expected a bit more from it, it was OK but nothing more. but yeah it did have its moving moments.

Liberate tutemet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.
