Really enjoyed it

Sure some of the low budget aspects really showed, but for the most part I thought this was pretty good. i liked the twist on the vampire genre, I mean people wouldnt have much of a chance against the typical smart vampire in those numbers. I thought the two "towns" they passed through were probably realistic looks at what life might look like in the interim stage. Whether they would eventually be overrun or survive is left to the imagination. I thought the brotherhood was a good idea. I mean there are plenty of crazy religious nuts out there now and vampires aren't walking the earth.

Hate the part where Belle gets killed. I loved her character and how upbeat she tried to be despite everything that was going on and complicated further by being pregnant. It was so stupid to leave her alone, but have to admit once they did there was only one reasonable outcome.

A sequel would be nice given how they left it. Be nice to see if civilization south of "New Eden" prospered or perished, if the Brotherhood finally got dealt with, and what became of Mister. All in all it would be nice if even half of the big budget flicks put in as much time and attention to the dialogue and details instead of just having beautiful people and explosions.


I loved it, too.

I caught the very beginning while flipping through the SyFy Channel and was sucked in immediately, which is rare for me.

A very, very well-done horror/survival movie that surprised the hell out of me. I was in it from beginning to end and am happy I watched this surprise gem.
