Numbers 1, 2, and 5?

What does the movie tell us about Numbers 1, 2, and 5? I don't think they were seen, but were they mentioned?

BTW, I've never gotten over Number Six. I also have to wonder if she wasn't inspired by those twins from MATRIX RELOADED.


When Four was in Florida, at a beach, his leg lit up. In the aftermath, he said Three is dead while showing the third of the three scars on his leg.

This seemed to imply the Mogs were after them in their order of assignation, when Four turned out to be their next target. Thus, One, Two and Three were killed in that order.

Had that not been the case, how and where would the scar be placed on Four's leg(s), if Five was attacked and killed?


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


He wouldn't. They are killed in numerical order because a mogodorian dies if he does it otherwise.


one and two are dead. The garde can only be killed in order until they meet up as a group so "four" is being chased because the first three are dead. Five is an antihero

This is a 7 books series. We meet four and six in book 1.

seven, nine and ten in book 2.

Eight in book 3.

five in book 4.


He clearly states that he got his first scar when he was 9 and then another when he was 12 and then the third scar just happened. So 1 died when he was 9, 2 died when he was 12 and we see 3 die as he gets the third scar.

It wasn't rocket science to watch and listen to the movie...

Also you would have found out about 5 if they had made sequels.

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived. -Isaac Asimov
