
I couldn't find any reviews from any major review aggregators - what's your review?
Is it really worth 7/10 or more like 30-40%?


Never mind, saw it...

More like mind-numbing. Horrible


3/10 from me. Honestly, it's actually so bad it's good. Watch it with a group of family and friends and you will burst out laughing.


It is abundantly clear that the good reviews were posted by the crew of the movie, I mean come on one of them even gave it 10/10. the real reviews are the 3 and below. It could be a coincidence but a certain d-curry13 has only been a member on here for less than 3 years, about the time a movie takes to produce from start to finish...maybe. So I wouldn't take that review seriously, likewise maroneb - just over 2 years exactly the same time as spollininyc, and Jesse Boland about a year, these are the people giving it 9 plus stars. Take that and make what you will of it.


I watched it tonight, I gave it a 5 bc I'm always too generous, the only part of the movie I like was Adam, creepy kid messing with that annoying couple. The characters were all so....unlikeable
