Still a good movie

Ok, so it was the worst in a brilliant series but it was still a solid slasher flick and miles ahead of any American slasher I have seen in years. People just hate on this film like it is absolute trash. When if you separate it from the other two it is actually a really good film.

* Good female lead. Hedda wasn't as cool as Jannike, but she still held her own and I was actually surprised because I thought Siri was the lead, then she died.
* Good setting - The series needed to leave the hotel, and the snow. I liked the change of place and the woods are both beautiful and dangerous.
* The Hunter and the Pray - I liked this in the film. It showed more about the killers personality, being a hunter who chases down his prey like an animal. It was used effectively and the traps were another cool idea not touched on a whole lot before.
* The ending - I actually liked it.
* The time period - Again diverting from the previous films by having it set in the 80s.

What I didn't like:
* That it's a prequel. Obviously everyone was going to die so it was hard to get attached to anyone.
* The characters - This could be because of the previous point but a lot of the characters were just...boring? Besides Hedda, Magne, Siri and Anders. Really didn't like Simen.
* The back story part. It shows his early life at the beginning and then...just drops it completely. Why bother show it? It didn't add a whole lot except show a bit more about why the mountain man was abused.


Just shows how people view it i thought it was the best of the 3.
Very generic stalk and slash copies of friday 13th and a million others but this one had a bit of flare and movies like Dead End mixed in.


Late reply, but I thought so too. I rated it a 5, but it's in comparison to the previous movies in general, I still had some fun watching it more than any American slashers out there with the exception of a few.

The middle part with the forest hunt was really good, and when they come to the house at the end was a good part too. Still the worst in the series, but it still does have a couple qualities.
