I had the opportunity to watch this movie last night at the Palm Beach International Film Festival. It is a powerful heart touching film based on a true story. Cancer is something that has affected everyone in the world. Directly or indirectly, either a family member, co-worker, or neighbor, everyone has had to deal with cancer one way or another. This film will help educate and bring further awareness.

One of the most important reasons to support this film is because of the subject title. "FILMANTHROPY"

Filmanthropy is anew model for socially and politically aware films to establish an audience and give back to the people and organizations that inspired them.

Filmanthropy is designed to foster a mutually beneficial partnership between a film and a charitable organization to support their mutual interests. Half of all proceeds generated will go back to the charitable partner organizations.

So when you buy a movie ticket, not only will be inspired and moved - but you will help touch a heart and change a life.

Evan Golden
