Opening song

Does anyone know what the opening song is in the movie? Shazam and Soundhound don't recognise it. It sound like a jazzy version of In Excelsis Deo, but google won't help me with that either.


Yes ... I believe it is a version of In Excelsis Deo but I haven't had luck finding it anywhere. It is also known as Angels We Have Heard on High and there are a few jazzy versions of it online.


Thanks for the other title. I didn't know that one. Still no luck finding it though. I'll keep looking.
If any knows it, please let us know.


I found their page on Facebook ... I posed the question to them. We'll see ... I'll get back with you if they let me know.

I watched the end credits just a bit ago and it is not listed in the songs. Boo.


Away in the manger.
