What does Lew say?

When Jack & Billie & Lew & Lenora are at the Bixby Canyon cabin--3rd time for Jack--and Billie & Lenora are making salad (and of course Jack is drunk), what does Lew say?

I've been able to find a transcription, but not a script. The transcription I found says this:

I'm hungry. Lew is hungry.

Are you starving?

I'm through starving.

There are 2 things I do know:
1, Lew does not say "Lew is hungry", and
2, Lew says "I'm through with starving".

Here's what it sounds like Lew is saying:

I'm hungry. Canoe is hungry.

Are you starving?

I'm through with starving.

but of course "Canoe is hungry" is silly. But that's what it sounds like to me. I tried various searches hoping to find a quote from the book. I even tried "Camus is hungry" hoping that Lew Welch associated himself with Albert Camus, but no dice.

Anybody got any ideas?

Thank You.
I don't have a dog. And furthermore, my dog doesn't bite. And furthermore, you provoked him.


It's Lew

I'm hungry. Lew is hungry.

Are you starving?

I'm Lew starving.


I'm listening (and watching) this now and it really seems like the dialog is:

I'm hungry. Canoe is hungry.

Are you starving?

I'm really starving. (unintelligible)

What should we eat?

Watching Lew's mouth, it not only sounds, but also looks like he really does say: "Canoe is hungry". He says something that begins with a hard "C" sound, not a soft "L" sound. Also, instead of "I'm through with starving" I now think he says "I'm really starving" followed by something that's unintelligible because the Lenora-"What should we eat?" overdub steps on it.

One of the frustrating things about this film is that in post-production someone recklessly overdubbed dialog that doesn't fit. For example, "What should we eat?" was obviously overdubbed on top of what Lew was saying and doesn't make sense considering that they already have decided that they will eat salad. The scene at the bar of the Tosca Cafe in the film's 1st 15 minutes is rife with poorly done overdubs during which peoples' mouths are not even moving.

Sorry, tranquilsummer, but I don't agree with your suggestions, and I'll wait for more. I was hoping someone might have the actual script.
I don't have a dog. And furthermore, my dog doesn't bite. And furthermore, you provoked him.


The line is, "I'm hungry. Lew is hungry."

The inaudible line, when she asks what they'll eat, is,"Tell ya what. I got an idea." That's when he suggests catching a fish to eat.
