MovieChat Forums > Falling Skies (2011) Discussion > Why do aliens like invading our world so...

Why do aliens like invading our world so much?

Is Earth that special?

Every evil alien wants to invade our planet.

Are we really that special?


Perhaps if you really want an honest answer you might want to ask one of the aliens..they're all over the place. I suggest asking one of your teachers, there are hundreds and jazillions of them working in our educational system.

Please let us know what they tell you. ?


How do we know you aren't an alien yourself?


Human face is considered a delicacy


They're doing it for Krugman


Maybe they saved us for last.


I'd deem Earth special enough to warrant an invasion compared to all the uninhabited planets around us. Different aliens have different reasons for invading but it's easy to see why Earth would make a likely target for them in most works of fiction.


One reason: Earth Girls.


I'm more interested in why they invade the U.S. capitol all the time... as if that is the centre of the entire planet and its government rules us all. :/


I'm more interested in why they invade the U.S. capitol all the time... as if that is the centre of the entire planet and its government rules us all. :/

According to many people the USA is the centre of not only the world but the whole universe.



Is it true that all the maps in American schools only show 'America' and 'Not America'? Maybe the aliens are checking those maps.


Honestly? Because we're humans living on Earth making stories for other humans, and making stories about aliens invading worlds other than ours would be a) in most cases pointless(unless a non-earth location is of particular import to the story and b) locations!!

If you're writing an invasion story, where else would you set it? Otherwise, you're not writing an invasion story!



She might enjoy that attention. Well the whole universe seeing that might make her head explode


Why is earth so interested in exploring other worlds? It's the same thing, man. We all want to know what's out there. As long as they don't abduct me I'm fine with their curiosity.

< A peaceful place, so it looks from space. A close look reveals the human race. - Grateful Dead >
