MovieChat Forums > Falling Skies (2011) Discussion > Skitters, Walking Kevlar to One Shot Wim...

Skitters, Walking Kevlar to One Shot Wimps

Funny how in the first two seasons Skitters took a whole magazine of full auto fire before dropping. Jump ahead to season five and Skitters drop from one shot from a hand gun. The fact zombie's drop easier in later seasons of The Walking Dead is because years of decomposition have made them soft, and it's at least written into the plot. Skitters' were once walking Kevlar now they're as easy to kill as humans is ridiculous. The change was unnecessary too. Instead of having waves of hundreds of horrible CGI Skitters dropping like flies, they could have just had dozens that were harder to take down. Plus, Skitters were capable of starting a resistance and collaborating and strategizing with humans, but by season five they were all just mindless cannon fodder. The show loses so much tension in later seasons because Skitters seem to become just a nuisance, and not the terrifying aliens from earlier seasons.


More research into skitter physiology, better ammunition?


In the first season Pope develops the armor-piercing bullets from the armor of the mechs.

If the resistance's bullets can pierce mech armor, they can easily pierce a skitter's armor. Particularly in later seasons as the initially crude technique becomes more refined.

Also, once Karen was taken out of the picture, the ability of the Overlords to strategize and be devious was severely hampered, because her abilities and mind were now lost. Remember how they took out one of the Overlords and he was responsible for battle strategy in the area? Without him, the alien front stopped progressing. Same with Karen and her dying.

The show definitely has a few problems, but your imagined ones are just part of your imagination and not representative of anything that's actually inconsistent.


thought those were the 50 cal rounds only that they had for the skitters, i kinda agree they seemed to die harder in the earlier episodes, and leaders were kidnapped then let go far to frequently tom for instance the enenmy had him least three times knowing how important to the resistance he is yet let him live time and time again, takes away from the severity of the situation.


The armour piercing bullets were never mentioned after the first series, i sort of thought they had stopped using them. They also seem to not have them later on when they are taking on mechs.


In the first episode the skitter they kill is actually wearing armour


The skitters towards the end were being mass produced by the one overload in that warehouse they blew up. Someone sarcastically mentioned how cute the babies were as they came out of the big vats. I guess their exoskeleton hadn't hardened yet.


I always assumed they kept manufacturing bullets from mech metal but this show isn't about the small details and showing a scene later where, for a few seconds, you see someone in the back ground making bullets.

The Esphini power grid is down season 5 and someone else pointed out, the skitters had armor, both external and dermal implanted, in early seasons. These are just fast bred skitter biologics with no armor or cybernetics and a failure in command and control structure also from the lost electronics equipment.

There are plenty of other complaints though, like mechs that can't lock and fire accurately as well as even our 1990's laser guided missiles. The skitters can't out run a injured fleeing group of humans (can out jump them but not catch them from behind and drag someone away as they run). Finding and communicating with Mason any time the new race wanted without any comm equipment. The Esphini communication device has no security on it at all.

Mason's plot armor was about the thickest I've ever seen. Similar to Captain James T Kirk.

I'm on episode 6 of season 5 and seriously rooting for Pope to kill Tom Mason as I've gotten to absolutely hate Noah Whiley's portrayal of this guy.

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