ending (confused)

1. wat exactly was going on with the guy in hood and jack, how were they invloved and why? why did they want to kill?

2. how many years ago was his family killed?

3. he was in a menatl hospital, how did he leave? was he released, finished his time, escaped?


The guy in the hood was a hired assasin that the ex-husband of the woman from across the street had hired five years ago to kill his wife, but he was so stupid that he messed up on the address and killed the wrong wife...along with two kids. As his psycologist told him in the movie, he was never convicted of anything and, since he was behaving in a reasonably sane manner, the state no longer had any right to keep him.


ck1-5 how did you come to this conclusion? did i miss something? i remember the ex saying 'this should have been so simple',,,,, maybe i missed a few key points. so bottom line did daniel craig kill his family or not and was he sentenced to a mental institute on suspicion of killing his family and where does Wil whats his name come in. i am terribly confused


Spoilers ahead. Just finished watching this movie actually, and ck1-5 is pretty spot on, I'd say. It was all shown pretty clearly, if a bit tacked on. When the hooded guy knocks out Will/Peter and he and the ex-husband are carrying his body off, the ex it bitching at him about his original mistake. Hooded says he went to the wrong house like its no big deal. We're then shown a series of flashback from the ex's perspective where he hired Hooded to kill his wife and he would pay him with the insurance payout.

So, no Will/Peter did *not* kill his family. The hooded man did. Will's wife shot him in the head trying to shoot the hooded man and subsequently suffered a full on mental break, so he was institutionalized. He was never convicted of the murders so when he started acting sane again they had to release him. The ex husband saw Will/Peter's return as a second chance to complete his botched plan of 5 years ago.

"I ask for so little. Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave!"


i was able to watch it again and really paid attention this time, so i got all the things i missed before so yes,,,,,,,,,spoiler alert, he did not kill his family. good movie though. very sad though that a neighbor would have his wife killed then the bad guy gets yours instead and your two children. very well made you just have to pay attetnion or you miss important parts


"you just have to pay attetnion or you miss important parts"

This can be said for most movies. If people would just pay attention when they watch a movie then these message boards wouldn't be filled with idiotic questions.


In the beginning of the movie, Daniel Craig's character mentions his home is the 3rd on the left.

Near the end, it shows Jack telling the hit man the house is the 3rd on the right. The hit man was such an idiot that he confused right with left and that's why he went to the wrong home.


i don't know.. the street looked pretty round from the aerial shot

maybe the guy entered from the other end? in which case, right would be left


Remember when the cops came after the car was racing around in Will/Peter's yard? One car came from one end of the street and the other from the opposite direction. Will/Peter asked one set of cops if they saw him leave - which made me think it was a two ended street, thus the mistake.

It wasn't an awful movie, but it was a bit contrived.


I didn't realise the relevance to the cop car scene until I read your post. 100% this is why that was in there. Well done & thanks!


Most movies are a bit contrived. The wife and I liked this one, was nice to see Craig outside off 007.
