Similar Documentary Films?

I'd be delighted if people could share documentaries with the same subject or style that this one had.

I love documentary films, so there really can't be bad suggestions.


The Corporation
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward
The Light Bulb Conspiracy
The End of Poverty?
The End of Suburbia

I also have to recommend both of Ron Fricke's films 'Baraka' and 'Samsara'. They are non-narrative films, meaning they are comprised of only images and music, no dialog or narration. Incredibly beautiful images and music. You have to be a bit more open as everything isn't spelled out here. But the films feature many different human cultures and traditions (both ancient and modern) while exploring the relationship of man and the environment. Very, very special documentaries.


You would probably enjoy one I saw recently about Jane Goodall entitled "Jane's Journey."

Documentaries are my favorite genre, too.
