MovieChat Forums > Flesh Wounds (2011) Discussion > Rip off of Predator? So?

Rip off of Predator? So?

So it's Predator on a shoestring budget....who really cares? If Predator didn't exist, this one would have been a four or maybe even a five. On it's own, it's not that bad. If having to compare one movie to another to rate it is all you've got, you teenagers need to get off of IMDB and go somewhere and grow up a bit.

The acting was average, the characters and script were what was below average. It was crap for Sorbo simply because he's a *much* better actor than a movie like this can ever contain! It's like sticking Larry Bird in a pickup game with the local boys. Either he's going to run away with it and make everyone look stupid or he's going to be so dumbed down to allow the rest to compete that *he* looks stupid. Sorbo's agent need to be castrated for ever putting him in this.


Agreed on all points. I kept picturing the actors shaking their heads in confusion at first then in disgust every time the director yelled "Cut".

This should have been a good movie. It failed on execution. I kept getting the feeling that it suffered one too many re-writes and lost all direction. Literally.

I thought it was great that I had more patience. Turns out... I just don't give a sh!t



This movie is an example of why I watch bad movies. You appreciate the skill it takes to make a good movie. Bad lighting, bad shot setups, bad dialog, bad acting, bad FX, a bad locale, even the military tech advising sucked.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
