DVD Release.

bbcshop.com website has just announced that a DVD will be released of the series.


I'd like a blu-ray release. What's the point in broadcasting in HD when they don't release it in the right format. BBC are rubbish!!


I've no idea what the BBC's criteria are for releasing or not releasing a particular series on Blu-ray. But I've a sinking feeling that they are planning to sweep "Paradox" under the carpet and quietly hope that everyone forgets about it.

I took the trouble to listen to writer Lizzie Mickery's interviews on the BBC website and I was very impressed by the thought that she had put into the whole concept of the series. If it turns out, sadly, that there won't be a follow-up, I wonder if there will be any clues from her, perhaps in an interview on the DVD, as to how the series would have panned out, had it gone to a second season?
