Nothing Left to Do

So I've done two complete runs through the game. I got a lot more acomplished the second time round. Got to level 50, killed all the phychos, tamed Snowflake, rescused what I believe to be every single survivor and got the best ending (got Ending S both times actually)

Apart from saving enough up to unlock the cars, theres not really much left to do, is there?


not really lol


Just tir and achievements, then move on.


Heh. Oh well. It was good fun while it lasted. At least I got it during Steam Sale =)


There is the dlc - Case West, off the record should be out soon and if you haven't played the first one you should try it now it's dirt cheap. DR1 is good because 2 is too easy really while 1 was actually a challenge the first time round (survivors not the actual story).


I would try the first one for sure, but I dont own an X-Box. I got Dead Rising 2 for the PC.
