MovieChat Forums > Charm School (2007) Discussion > Are you F'n kidding me??!!!?? Marcia st...

Are you F'n kidding me??!!!?? Marcia started that fight with brittanya!

Anyone else agree that Marcia is a snake for what she did! She started that fight with Brittanya, it wasn't the other way around. Hey Ricky, go to the video tape. Speaking of which Ricki gets more and more annoying each episode!



I agree. Marcia shouldn't have brought up Brittanyas son. That is such a known rule that you don't do that.




Yeah, totally "off limits" to bring up someone's child, especially when they are a terrible parent (heavy sarcasm). What are the chances that her kid grows up to be a convict?


Brittanya isn't a terrible parent. Thats not what they have implied anyways. And unless you know her personally you can't say. They have implied Brittanya needs to work on her parenting, that doesn't mean shes a HORRIBLE one.

And still, no matter who you are, its gonna hit a nerve when somebody brings up your child like that.



If you get thrown in jail when you have a young child, you are a BAD parent. If that was my mom being a complete wh0re on national tv I would disown her. Get your priorities straight.


Oh please, don't begin to tell me to get my priorities straight. How judgmental are you thinking you can judge Brittanya and her parenting over a Vh1 reality show? By the way people do make mistakes in life and if you do go to jail temporarily and you are a mother, thats a mistake. That doesn't mean your a terrible parent all around.



Marcia sounded to me like she was slurring her words. She may not have had alcohol but I wonder if there is a doctor on hand giving her medication to help with the DT's from alcohol detox.

This show is taped over a short period of time so what appears to be several weeks gone by without a drink is actually only a few days or a week or two.

I have been dealing with a loved one who struggles with alcohol addiction and it is much more than willpower. They are given medications (Valium and anti-psychotic drugs) to alleviate the anxiety and they HAVE to work programs or it is not likely to be successful. For Ricky Lake to say that Marcia needs to find the reason WHY she drinks is accurate, however, without help I doubt she is going to have some sort of epiphany on WHY during the show.

I don't think she purposely set out to start a fight with Brittanya but I do think that when she realized she pushed a button that would set her off, she continued to push it.


I think it's pretty safe to say that any girl who leaves their kid to go on two VH1 reality shows, dresses like a prostitute, and displays her trashiness to the world is a terrible parent. Please don't retort by saying she went on this show "to change herself." No one came on this show for that. They clearly just want to squeeze any ounce of fame out of themselves before they inevitably become unattractive and just another beat-up old hag w/ nothing else to show for her life.



Marcia did point out a valid issue. Brittanya does follow Ashley around. I think for all her fighting and bravado, Brittanya is a follower.




Brittanya really was only their for the money-but she deserved to stay at Charm School a lot more then Marcia for two reasons:

1. Marcia started the fight and shouldn't have brought up Brittanya's parental skills-she had no right to say that becase A. She's not a parent herself and B. She doesn't know Brittanya that well

2. Marcia isn't changing either-"rationalizing" a drinking problem by saying "so and so lead me to drink" or "so and so pushed me towards alcohol" isn't really a step into recovering from alcoholism, it's making an excuse for it and blaming someone else for it (in this case, her stepdad)-her stepdad didnt "make" her drink, she made herself drink..

Brittanya actually did a good job of controlling her temper-The Judges (especially LaLa) acted like they would act really calm if someone started questioning their parenting...hardly anyone would stay calm in a situation like that, and Brittanya could have easily beat the living crap out of Marcia right then and there, but she didn't...

Proud member of IMDB for 3 years!


I felt a little bad for Brittanya. Everyone kept glorifying Ashley's parenting skills and said that it seemed Ashley cared more about her child then Brittanya did. I don't think that was all that fair. I have no problems with Ashley. I just think it was rude that everyone kept brining her Brittanya's son. Of course, in the end, she went home hardly changed.


Marcia and Brittanya didn't even get into a fight, they were just talking, and they were both pretty civil. It was edited to look like they were fighting. Watch the VH1 extras.

Marcia started the fight and shouldn't have brought up Brittanya's parental skills-she had no right to say that becase A. She's not a parent herself and B. She doesn't know Brittanya that well

Marcia didn't question her parenting skills she just said her son should be her reason to change. Why is that so off limits? She brings it up herself all the time.



Brittanya just wants to be with who ever she sees as the dominant person. I think that is why she always wants to be around Ashley. And I'm sorry, I know that Brittanya as a mother must love her child but it has to be pointed out that she did get arrested (was it for assault?). As a mom shouldn't she have considered her child's welfare before she got herself in this situation?


of course, but she has admitted she isn't a good mother.



I almost forgot about that Techniscope. Brittanya did admit she hasn't been the mother she should have been for her son. And I think her inability to stand on her own and admit to her own faults adds to her inability to be a good mom and make the right choices for herself and her son


i don't think she was trying to start a fight, honestly, but brittanya just makes everything violent.

marcia doesn't know how to communicate or at least word what she says properly. ashley makes fun of her for not "speaking english," but there is some truth to it. english is clearly not her first language, and her delivery was awkward, but i think she was trying to have an intelligent conversation about her son, her lack of leadership and it turned into something else completely.


I felt bad about her. I didn't like her at first because what she did to Natasha, but Brittanya was trying really hard not to argue.

Don't worry be happy
