Rough Cut Finished

We have finally been able to finish our first rough cut of DELIVERED and it's about 115 minutes long. Our goal is to get it down to 95 - 100 minutes. That should be done by Christmas. Then our composer, Mika Krstic, can start working on the score while we focus on special effects and sweetening the sound. We should also have several great poster ideas from our talented graphic designer from The Hague, Eddie Servaas. It's incredible to see it all coming together and we'd love to share it with you. You can see hundreds of behind the scene photos and videos at


I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product! I just wish we didn't have to wait till 2011 for it. I know 2010 is just around the corner but 2011 is a whole year away :( Keep us posted with your progress!


This movie sucked
