Why the hate?

As pure entertainment, i think Monster's University succeeds more, as a film Monster's Inc is better. But for me they are darn close. I really dont get the hate for Monster's University, it is a really, really good film IMO. It is funnier than the first one, it has more interesting characters, it's an even faster pace, and it never seems content to turn over old ground, the animation is ofcourse also better. It also has a beautiful message and morale, something the original didnt have either

I like Monster's Inc more simply because, the story it tells is a little more daring and original, and it is more emotional. (The ending always gets me tearing up) But i'd rather watch Monster's University on a rainy thursday night simply because it is even more entertaining and fun than the first one.

Monster's Inc is the better film, but Monster's University comes very close. I dont get the low ratings and the dislike for it. It's fantastic IMO

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I don't think this film is hated, just perceived as mediocre which it is. It's on par enough with the first film. What gets me is people thinking Monsters Inc is so much better and one of Pixar's greatest. What? Both films are the most safe, unoriginal, often boring films that Pixar has ever done. Honestly, if Monsters Inc wasn't one of the early films, particularly if it had come out after the Disney merger, nobody would be praising it the same way.

"Unless you're an alien, time traveler, or esper, your opinion doesn't matter."


Neither are mediocre films at all, both are great, but compared to other Pixar films it isnt as good, i agree.

This is the list i made ranking the Pixar films:
Monster's Inc comes in 10th and Monster's University 11th. (But still with high grades, the rest are just higher)

I would certainly not call, Monster's Inc safe and unoriginal... Monster's Inc is definetly one of Pixar's most original films... Have you ever seen ANYTHING like it? No you havent so it isnt unorignal. It also isnt that safe. Pixar has made much more safe movies like Toy Story 2 and 3. (Despite being much better)

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It's better than the original.

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I could totally see why you'd think that. I think it's a great film too. Soo much better than Cars 1/2, Brave and The Good Dinosaur...

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I thought this movie was bland & boring. The original is great. A funny screwball comedy with a creative twist.


Thanks for sharing your opinion, however i think it's total nonsense. It's just as creative, it's just as hilarious if not even funnier, it's faster paced it's more beautifully animated. There is not a thing Bland or Boring about MU.

The original just has a better concept and story, but the execution is on similar level if not better in MU.

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Yeah, not bad. Solid 3/10.



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